Student of the Week

Week 5
Saffron Loyer
Congratulations Saffron! What a great term you are having, I have been SO impressed with all the hard work you have been putting into your learning. It is so great to hear you contributing to class discussions even when there is a different teacher. I am so proud of you! Keep up the wonderful work, Saffron.
Jack Harford
Congratulations Jack, your energy and enthusiasm for learning is contagious. I am loving your beaming smile each morning. You are such a caring friend and your great sense of humour brightens our classroom. Keep up the fantastic work, you’re truly an amazing little legend!
Oscar Danko
For your expert reading and spelling of 5 letter words this week! You are flying with all your Literacy skills and it’s so wonderful to see you show off your amazing work. Keep it up, champion!
Piper Holmes
Congratulations Piper!
You always have a positive attitude towards your learning and a big smile on your face. You are such a helpful member of our class, and we are lucky to have you. Keep being you, superstar!
William Maden
William, I have been so impressed with your concentration and dedication to our spelling lessons, making note of any mistakes and correcting your own work. You are a star.
Oscar McQueen
Your kindness, respect and hard work shine brightly every day.
You tackle tricky tasks with a fantastic attitude and always give your best effort. Keep up the amazing work, Oscar!
Hamish Jeffers
For being curious about the world and sharing the abundance of knowledge you have with your peers and teachers. We love hearing your ideas and opinions. Your ability to reflect this in your recent writing piece - The Olympics, was exceptional. Keep up the great work Hamish. We are very proud of you and your efforts!
Eden Bee
Well done Eden for having a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards school life! Your resilience and commitment to school has been wonderful to see. Keep up the amazing effort, Eden!
Julian Cosma
Julian, you should be so proud of your achievements this term! You always put in 100% effort, no matter how challenging the task is. Keep up the amazing work!!
Sophie Overton
For being such a great contributor to class discussions this week. Keep it up!
Charlie Campanero Healy
How lucky we are to have a budding Olympics reporter in our midst! Thank you for keeping us updated each day. We can’t wait for the Paralympics to begin!
Ellie Comeskey
For being dedicated and enthusiastic about her learning! Well done on such a fantastic start to Term 3!
Reyansh Mehan
Reyansh, congratulations on the commitment you have been demonstrating towards your learning. Your research on Ethiopia was fantastic, keep up the great work!
Cailtin Cowap
Caitlin, your exceptional dedication and commitment in the classroom shines through in everything you do, and it’s evident in the way you approach your work with such enthusiasm and persistence. You are always doing the right thing and consistently putting in your best effort, and it's truly inspiring to see the pride you have in your achievements, especially in maths. Hearing you acknowledge and celebrate your hard work is incredibly rewarding, and I am so glad to see you recognise the progress you have made. Keep up the fantastic work, Caitlin!
Grace Stanley
Grace, so many teachers say such wonderful things about you and how much effort you put into your learning. Keep up the great work, champ!
Bree Gardner
We can’t BREElieve how hard this student works. It is truly unBREElievable. She really is the BREE's knees. Well done on the outstanding work you continue to do each week!
Jonty Duffell
Your enthusiasm is contagious and your kindness does not go unnoticed. Keep being the wonderful you, Jonty!
Sabine Davis
Sabine, your wisdom, deep thinking and ability to articulate your thoughts are well beyond your years. Your diligence and dedication to your learning are inspiring. Your input in class discussion is valued and adds such richness and intelligence. What a pleasure it is to learn with and from you. You have the world at your feet Sabine, and I cannot wait to see the mountains you will move and the impact you will continue to have on those around you.
Performing Arts - Mrs Clancy
Kira Little
For your outstanding performances during Drama classes. What a wicked witch you were, amazing!
Japanese - Junko Sensei
Eva Capicchiano
For always being a conscientious linguist in our Japanese class!
Week 6
Wyatt Wallis
Congratulations Wyatt! You have been a remarkable reading rockstar this week. You have worked wonderfully in partner reading and during our literacy group rotations. Keep up the amazing work, Wyatt!
Leon Austin
Congratulations Leon! Foundation J are so lucky to have such a bright, bubbly and super smiley classmate like you! You're a sounding out superstar and doing such an awesome job with your learning. Keep up the fantastic work.
Rory Bannister
For your wonderful reading progress this week. It has been delightful to listen to your expert reading and see how far you have come. You are ready to learn and it’s been so fantastic to see!
Arjun Ahlawat
Congratulations Arjun! You have been working really hard on the presentation of your work. It is lovely to see you slowing down and taking your time with your handwriting and illustrations. Keep it up, superstar!
Jude Fitzpatrick
Jude, you are always such a great friend to others. You are thoughtful and considerate, and always look for ways to make people smile with your wonderful stories. Well done!
Rory Smith
Rory is a kind friend inside and outside the classroom, always working well with others and independently. He has shown impressive progress and thoughtful understanding in exploring multiplication and division through both hands-on activities and written equations.
Sienna Sedgwick
For working like a champion in all areas of your learning. We can rely on you to give your best and work independently. You set the bar high for others as your work is always of a high standard and presented beautifully. Your recent positive interaction with others has also not gone unnoticed. Keep up the awesome work!
Nikhil Rohit
Well done Nikhil for your responsible and enthusiastic attitude towards learning. It is wonderful to see you always challenge yourself and complete your work to such a high standard. Keep up the amazing effort, Nikhil!
Aryan Ahlawat
Aryan, well done for always contributing to our class discussions and sharing your thoughts! You always put in effort, no matter what we are doing! Keep up the fantastic work!
Ava Little
There is little doubt that this student has been an absolute superstar this week. Well done!
Levi Gowling
Well done on using some fantastic language and excellent structure in your persuasive writing. Keep up your fantastic work!
Nina Lappin
For working hard on your persuasive piece about zoos, using a variety of language devices and trying to present both sides of the argument.
Michael Nates
For embodying the values of our school, each and everyday. You are compassionate, you are curious, you are courageous and everyone in 3/4R feels connected to your kindness- our very own 'Mickle Pickle!' Keep being awesome.
Amelie Sharp
Amelie, you truly are a shining star in 5/6B! Your unwavering commitment to making good choices and setting a positive example makes you an outstanding role model for your classmates. This year, you have grown in leaps and bounds, showing incredible progress that you should be very proud of. Your kind and caring nature has made you an essential part of our classroom community. It is clear that you are not just sharp by name, but also in character and spirit. Keep soaring, Amelie - your journey is just beginning!
Eva Capicchiano
Eva, you always go about your daily tasks with such passion and commitment. You truly shine in all forms of Literacy! Keep up the great work, champ
Olivia Jessup
You'd think the best thing this week is seeing all of ya' dressup. WRONG! The best thing this week is... Olivia Jessup!
Lacey Sinclair
Well done for always giving everything a go and putting in your best effort! I am super proud of your efforts this year, especially this term Lacey! I can tell you are working really hard and it shows, particularly in Maths. It’s so great to see your confidence growing too!
Josh Schilling
Josh, you are a remarkable human being: Your compassion, thoughtfulness and kindness are well beyond your years. Your character and integrity are genuine and without a doubt, something to be proud of. You make us smile, feel safe and happy. And you give your absolute best effort and respect in all you do, in and out of the classroom. I am enormously proud of you, admire you and think the world of you.