Chaplain's Corner

“Mary gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger because there was no room in the Inn.” Luke 2:7
The Christmas story invites us into the story of the birth of Jesus. Not a clean story but a messy story, full of real life drama at every turn. The Messiah (expected king) and Emmanual (God with us), came as a child to humble and poor parents in Mary and Joseph. This inbreaking of the holy one is available to us all in the remembering of the Advent and Christmas season when we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit. May you not be consumed by the commercialisation of Christmas but instead live in simplicity, generosity and the love of family, friends and God.
Many thanks for the generous donations of food and toys that many of you have made to this year's Giving Tree Appeal. Uniting Broadmeadows Emergency Relief are grateful for the generosity of the Aitken College community.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Christmas Carols – 29 November
Students and families gathered on 29 November to enjoy the annual Christmas Carols service. The weather was not kind, so instead of being outside, we gathered in the CPA at 6pm for about 40-45 minutes. A huge thanks to Ms McCarthy for organising the Songsters to perform several carols. It was good to share in a short Christmas lessons and carols service which told the overall story of Christmas. Reminding us that “Jesus is the reason for the season”.
Christmas Chapels - 4 December
Fairview, Cumberland and Dunhelen enjoyed extended Christmas chapels this last Monday. The Nativity Story was presented by a number of student volunteers. Special thanks to Liana K (Narrator), Nissi T (Mary), Lyla B (Gabriel), Millle SB (Innkeeper), Dylan M (Joseph), Karen S (Messenger Angel), Madelin L (Shepherd), Matilda M (Shepherd), Isabella K (Shepherd), Akshaj M (Wise Man), Ryan S (Wise Man) and Thisen H (Wise Man).
Songters (Fairview and Cumberland) and Aitken Voices (Dunhelen) provided musical support in leading a number of Christmas Carols. Thanks to Ms McCarthy and the Performing Arts team for their choir preparations and presentation.
Aitken Faith Community
Our final worship for the year will take place this Sunday 10 December at 4:30pm. ALL WELCOME. Please let me know if you are coming as we will be sharing in dinner afterwards. We will be in the Cumberland building due to the CPA being used by a community group.
Rev. Gavin Blakemore