
Mr Chris Graham
Assistant Principal (Secondary)
Time to pause, enjoy and reassess.
Many of us will know of the Nobel Peace Prize. For those who aren’t aware of it, it’s an annual award given to those who’ve contributed to peace on a global scale. Some of the past winners include Mother Teresa, Rev. Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela. However, there is a very interesting story behind the award's beginning.
The award is named after its founder Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist, engineer, businessman and philanthropist. Up until his mid-30s, Alfred was famously known as the inventor of dynamite - something that would be used in wars and kill many millions of people. Around this time, Alfred’s brother died; however, there was some confusion as people thought Alfred had in fact died. One French newspaper even published an obituary for ‘Alfred’ which read, ‘The merchant of death is dead’. It is believed that this led to Alfred re-assessing the impact of his life, which in turn led to the creation of the Nobel Prize (of which, peace is a category).
Increasingly, I meet with students who have a fatalistic view of life; one in which they believe the universe/God/science/energy/the force, has already put things in place and we are mere recipients of this unchangeable greater force. Many of you will be receiving your end-of-year reports and our Year 12’s will soon be receiving their ATARs. Many think that the above-mentioned predestined fate/force means that they have no say in the direction of their life. This could not be further from the truth. While your report or ATAR may in fact open doors over the next year(s), beyond that, the future choices we make will have a much bigger influence than the ATAR. Students can feel as though their year 12 marks will put their lives on a road that they can’t turn off until they retire. This is simply not true.
As with Alfred, life is full of choices. Ones that can in fact change the course of our lives (hopefully for the better). As this year comes to a close, I believe it’s time to celebrate His birth and to choose to make our life better, and by doing so, the lives of those around us; better.
As a College we want to take this time to wish you a very Merry Christmas. We hope and pray that this is a time of celebration with family and friends and a time of refreshing, refueling - and just like Alfred, reassessing.
Ms Melissa D'Amico
Deputy Head of Secondary (Middle School Culture)
Dunhelen Wrapping Up 2023 with Triumph and Celebration!
As we bid farewell to another remarkable year in Dunhelen, it is time to reflect on the incredible journey we have had and celebrate the achievements that have shaped our school spirit. The past year has been filled with growth, friendship, and unforgettable moments that have left an indelible mark on our community.
One of the highlights of the final week was undoubtedly Step Up Day, a day dedicated to bridging the gap between academic years and allowing students to step into the shoes of their future 2024 selves. It was a day of excitement and anticipation as students eagerly explored what lies ahead.
The final day of school for our students was a day spent in their current homerooms. Dunhelen was buzzing with energy! Year 9 students participated in a competitive soccer game, showcasing not only their athletic prowess but also their teamwork and sportsmanship. Laughter and cheers echoed across the field, creating a fun filled end to the term.
Final Assembly: Honouring Achievements and Unveiling Leaders
The culmination of the academic year took place at our final assembly, a momentous occasion where achievements were recognised and new leaders emerged. Students were presented with colour awards, acknowledging their dedication, hard work, and contributions to our school community. Each award was a testament to the unique talents and strengths of our students.
With great pride, we introduced the 2024 Dunhelen Student leaders who will guide and inspire our middle school students in the coming year. These students exemplify the values of Dunhelen and are poised to take on the responsibilities of leadership with grace and determination.
School Captain | 2024 | Shiloh D | |
School Captain | 2024 | Lachlan R | |
House Captain | Brodie House | 2024 | Layla H |
House Captain | Brodie House | 2024 | James D |
House Captain | Cameron House | 2024 | Aksheta R |
House Captain | Cameron House | 2024 | Jiyan B |
House Captain | Clarke House | 2024 | Millie A |
House Captain | Clarke House | 2024 | Lucas H |
House Captain | Millar House | 2024 | Dinara KD |
House Captain | Millar House | 2024 | Hrayhaan J |
Sports Captain | 2024 | Mackenzie SB | |
Sports Captain | 2024 | Ronan K | |
Performing Arts Captain | 2024 | Caprice M | |
Performing Arts Captain | 2024 | Olivia N | |
Community Service Captain | 2024 | Karanveer M | |
Community Service Captain | 2024 | Divjot S | |
Sustainability Captain | 2024 | Aekam A | |
Sustainability Captain | 2024 | Mia P |
As we close the chapter on 2023, let us carry the memories of a successful year in Dunhelen. I extend my heartfelt congratulations and best to the Year 9 students who in 2024 will transition into Brookhill as senior school students.
I would like to thank the entire Dunhelen teaching team and make special mention of our Homeroom Teachers who work tirelessly to support and guide our students. It would be amiss of me not to thank the Heads of Year, Mr Jason Mackrell, Ms Sherry Daniel and Mr Daniel Schembri. They have worked hard to develop the middle school culture here in Dunhelen as well as our administration assistant Mrs Jacinta Perilli who ensures the smooth running of the middle school.
It has been a privilege to serve as the Deputy Head of Secondary (Middle School Culture). I look forward to welcoming everyone back for another year of growth, learning and community in the new year.
Wishing you all a joyous and peaceful Christmas and a fantastic start to the New Year!
Mr Dean Taylor
Deputy Head of Secondary (Senior School Culture)
Congratulations to all Brookhill staff, students and families on a great end to a challenging year. It is now time to look ahead to a productive and energetic 2024.
I would like to congratulate and thank all Year 10 and Year 11 students for their excellent work during the VCE/VCE VM Early Commencement Program. Students’ attitude and work ethic has been first class and the hard work during these two weeks will pay off when students return next year already ahead on their VCE studies.
2024 Year 12 Student Learning Conference
All 2024 Year 12 students are reminded that they will start the year with our annual Student Learning Conference at Hyatt Essendon Fields, 1 English Street, Essendon Fields, on Thursday 1 February. This compulsory event is an exciting and worthwhile day, which equips the new Year 12 students with study and personal management skills needed for the year ahead. Consent2Go forms for the Student Learning Conference have been emailed to parents. Can I ask families to ensure these are replied to promptly?
Best wishes for Christmas and the holidays to all Brookhill families.
Anthony Politini and Elpis Vlahopoulos
Heads of English
Dunhelen Writing Awards
Every year the English faculty holds the Dunhelen Writing Awards where teachers submit writing completed throughout the year which are deemed most effective and engaging. Year 9 pieces were drawn from their ‘Between Us’ Unit; Year 8 pieces were drawn from their ‘Sister Heart’ folios and Year 7 pieces came from their ‘Identity’ folios. Mrs Crisara also presented her ‘Principal’s Award’. At a Dunhelen Assembly in November recipients of this year’s honours were presented with their certificates. Congratulations to all the honourees. Below are a list of the recipients:
Principal’s Award: Alex G 9B
Year 9
Winner: Aaliyah A 9M
Runner Up: Sabrina B 9L
Special Commendation: Eliana O 9K
Year 8
Winner: Dinara KA 8S
Runner Up: Anushka S 8O
Special Commendation: Lucas D 8S
Year 7
Winner: Alana O 7D
Runners Up: Aanvi K 7M and Aanya K 7M
Special Commendation: Lucas T 7S
Mrs Jenny Lilley
Head of Faculty - Vocational Major
Congratulations Award Winners!
Congratulations to our VCE VM students, Tiahna L, Annie F, Joshua G and Maryann P who were successful in obtaining a Hume Whittlesea LLEN Vocational Education Award for their vocational study achievements undertaken in 2023.
The Hume Whittlesea Local Learning Employment Network recognise and award students excelling in vocational education in local schools. The HWLLEN Vocational Education Awards are proudly supported by Hume City Council, the City of Whittlesea and the Hume and Whittlesea Youth Commitments.
The students received a Student Achievement Award, or a Student Encouragement Award and all students were highly recommended by their VCE VM and VET teachers for the award. Tiahna, Annie, Joshua and Maryann have all worked very hard this year to achieve their goals and have remained focused and dedicated to their career aspirations.
The Personal Development Skills students in Year 11 recently held a sausage sizzle fundraiser for the Cancer Council. The students would like to thank the college community for all their support for this worthy cause.
Another highlight this term has been the students’ study of conservation and animal welfare, culminating in an excursion to Melbourne Zoo.