Sustainability and Agriculture

Hume City Council – Sustainability Engagement team – Visit
On 21 November, Aitken College had a visit from the Hume City Council Sustainability Engagement team, which is part of their Community Health and Wellbeing department. The main purpose of the visit was to showcase some examples of council-funded projects that Aitken College has participated in, such as Seedlings for Schools and the Flick the Switch program.
Over the years, Hume Council has supplied Aitken College with approximately 4000 seedlings (Seedlings for School program). The school has planted these seedlings in many areas of the school – along Brodies Creek, within the Wildlife Corridor and garden beds around the Environment Centre (barn). Aitken College also received funding (Flick the Switch Program) to assist the school in reducing its energy consumption, in this case converting the school’s carpark lights to LEDs.
Considering that we are now a 5-star Resource Smart School, the Council were also interested in some of the sustainability initiatives that the school has implemented, such as our Precious Plastics program and Bokashi compost system.
Mr Dwayne Ganci
Sustainability Coordinator