Holy Cross News and Reminders

What's happening next week.....
Monday 20th | |
Tuesday 21st | School Advisory Council meeting 7pm |
Wednesday 22nd | |
Thursday 23rd | Year 6 Transition Day |
Friday 24th | Year 5 Leadership Day |
Prayer Gathering 4B, 3.00pm | |
Uniform Shop open 8.30am |
News and Reminders
- Assembly will be held at 3.00pm today. Don't forget our Year 4 families are hosting an Afternoon Tea Market Stall at 3.30pm outside the canteen.
- On Saturday 2nd December, the Gisborne Community Carols will be held at Holy Cross. We are calling for volunteers to help run a bbq/produce stall showcasing our school. If anyone could donate an hour or so of their time for the event that would be greatly appreciated. We will send a sign up sheet next week.
- Please see below a letter from our PFA
PFA AGM 2023
Dear Holy Cross families,
An AGM meeting was held on Tuesday night and a new committee was elected for the PFA. I would love to introduce our new President, Kara Chun, who is a long-time committee member and well deserving recruit. She will be working alongside Stephanie Spiteri, our new Vice President. A special thank you to Shane Dickson and Michelle Patocs for all their time and effort over the last few years in these roles.
Our new Fundraising team consists of Nicole Paola, Erica Buckley and Anastasia Fisher, they will work collaboratively to create a fun and rewarding year of events for our children and families in 2024. Thank you for volunteering your time to make next year another fun filled year! Finally, welcome back to long-time secretary, Bernie Dickson.
At the AGM, we discussed all the amazing and generous fundraising that wouldn’t be possible without the help of our families. The disco was a huge success, both with fundraising and smiles, as were our Father’s Day & Mother’s Day stalls and Tony Pies Drive. Other successes so far have been the Market Stalls and Chicken Coop BBQ. This has allowed us to purchase some exciting games for our children; Corn Hole & Battleships, as well as installing the new netball and basketball hoops earlier in the year and the repainting of the school’s soccer goals.
Another extremely useful purchase made from our fundraising efforts was a sports multi-timer which will provide more accuracy and efficiency at our swimming and athletics carnivals during the year.
There are also big plans to install a stage with our fundraising money, which can be utilised for various amounts of fun throughout the years to come.
The PFA are also looking into purchasing ukuleles for the music room and hosting a Twilight Fete in March 2024.
Coming up we have the Christmas concert on the 12th of December, where the PFA will be running a BBQ.
The door is always open for new members to join the PFA, it is a rewarding and delightful opportunity to connect with the Holy Cross community. Don’t hesitate to speak to one of our approachable members about upcoming events and don’t forget to keep an eye out for dates for our upcoming monthly PFA meetings!
Again, a huge thank you to our families for all your efforts this year, it has been a great success. Also, thank you to our new committee members for volunteering their time outside of their busy schedules to ensure all goes to plan in 2024.
Enjoy the last few weeks of term 4 and have a Merry Christmas and safe New Year.
Rhiannon Noonan
PFA - Head of Communications