Health Space

Holiday Self Care Guide for Young People
Holidays can be a mixed bag: excitement about the season, time out from school or work… At the same time changes to routine, separation from friends, and family tensions can cause some people to feel stressed, isolated and alone. Below are tips from Headspace for getting through the holidays:
STAY CONNECTED! Keep in contact with friends especially those who help you feel good about yourself
KEEP TO A ROUTINE. Get up in the morning, eat at usual meal times
GRAB SOME ZZZ. Most of us need at least eight hours of sleep at night and some of us need more. Go to bed early to get your shut-eye rather than sleeping late.
TUNE INTO MUSIC that relaxes you and lifts your mood. Even better, dance!
GET MOVING! Get involved in local activities, or go for a walk, swim, cycle, or skate with friends.
Cut down, cut out or DON’T START WITH ALCOHOL, DRUGS OR SMOKES. They can fuel arguments and have a really negative impact on your mental wellbeing.
CHECK IN WITH YOUR FRIENDS. They might be feeling lonely, bored or down and find it too hard to make the first move – suggest you meet up.
KEEP IN MIND: Parents, carers and family often get stressed about things at this time of year and might not realise how hard it is for you. Take them aside and let them know if you're struggling or need support.
GET OUT AND ABOUT Our local area is filled with free stuff to do!
Libraries, Youth Centres, Parks, Bike Paths, Picnics, Skate parks, Basketball Courts, Pools, Soccer Fields. The City of Casey is hosting a Teenage School Holiday Summer 2024 Program. For more information:
SEEK OUT ADVICE AND SUPPORT. If you feel things are getting too much there are services open throughout the holidays:
KIDS HELP LINE (ages 5-25) and LIFELINE (all ages) are both open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and offer free and confidential counselling.
13 YARN (all ages) is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter.
EHEADSPACE offers free online and telephone counselling for ages 12-25 from 9am-1am, 7 days a week.
Call 1800 650 890 or go to
YOUR DOCTOR (GP) can provide support. Many doctors and medical centres are open over the holidays.
IN AN EMERGENCY, if you are really worried about your wellbeing and don’t think you’ll be safe, CALL 000 or go to the hospital emergency.
NEED A SAFE PLACE TO STAY? WAYSS can help if you or a friend are at risk of being homeless. Call 9791 611
FINANCIAL HELP IS AVAILABLE Community organisations that help when money is low can be found here:
The ACE Foundation was established by Chair,
Dr Leon Shapero, in 2014.
The ACE Vision is to assist students of any age in the City of Casey who are experiencing significant challenges in their educational pursuits.
One of the ACE Foundation initiatives is to provide FREE eye testing and provision of FREE glasses for all public students with vision impairment in the City of Casey.
If you have a current Health Care Card, and feel your child may need assistance, please contact Tracey Logonder at Hampton Park Secondary College on 8795 9400 for further information.
Student Eyecare Program 2024
The school is pleased to announce that the Student Eyecare Program will be running at the school in Term 1, 2024. An optometrist will be onsite during school hours to provide students with a free comprehensive eye examination that is covered through Medicare Australia. 1 in 6 students have eye conditions that go undetected. This is due to the high level of visual demand on their eyes from books, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Every student will receive a full report about their eye health and a prescription will be provided if glasses are required. The prescription can be taken to any optical store to get the glasses made. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity.
In Victoria, sun protection is usually required
from mid-August to the end of April when the
UV reaches 3 and above.
Understanding Vaping Webinar RECORDING
In October “The Understanding Vaping Webinar” was presented by Monash Health, Cardinia Shire, City of Casey, City of Greater Dandenong and Quit Victoria - with Sharon Torpey as a special guest.
Click the link to Watch the webinar recording and access resources to learn more about e-cigarettes/vapes, the risks of vaping and practical strategies to support young people.
National campaign ‘UNCLOUD’ launches to empower children and young people to say no to vaping and prevent the addiction of new smokers.
“UNCLOUD – See vaping for what it is” focuses on young Australians aged 14-25.
Supported by Minderoo Foundation, UNCLOUD delivers fact-based information in a peer-to-peer tone of voice via a dedicated website Together with stories of young people’s real experiences shared on social media and across digital platforms, UNCLOUD aims to inspire others to share their warnings about vaping and say “no” to vapes in the first place.
Professor Claire Wakefield, Director of Minderoo Foundation’s Cancer Mission said that with more than half a million young Australians now vaping every day, urgent action was needed.
“UNCLOUD is about coming together to have a national conversation about the impact of vaping on children and young people, led by young people themselves,” Professor Wakefield said.
The Health Promotion Nurse Kaye Walker (DET Secondary School Nurse) is available on Monday and Tuesday and located in the Wellbeing Centre.
The role is primarily health promotion focused and attached is an infographic to explain the role.
PLEASE NOTE: The health promotion nurse cannot undertake long term counselling around psychological, relationship or educational problems.
To make a referral please follow the wellbeing referral process.
Regards, Kaye
Wishing everyone a safe, refreshing and happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year.
From Prue + Kaye