Principal's Report

Dear parents/carers, students and dedicated staff of Hampton Park SC,
As we reflect on another eventful year, I wish to acknowledge our resilient and supportive school community.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you – students, parents, teachers, and staff – for your support throughout this busy and challenging year. Together, we have faced many obstacles, embraced opportunities for growth, and continued to uphold the values that make our school community unique.
A recent highlight was Year 12 Valedictory dinner. Although I regretfully found myself unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances, I am immensely grateful to Ms. Kelly Krieg for stepping in and ensuring the evening unfolded seamlessly. I wish to also thank Ms Kios, Ms Glenn for their leadership and assistance in organising this event.
Our recent end of year excursion to Lysterfield Lake was a great hit with students. The weather was perfect allowing students to partake in nature walks, bike riding and a variety of sporting activities, followed by a delicious BBQ for lunch.
VCE Results
We are delighted by the achievement of our students at Hampton Park Secondary College. This year, Jessica Dekazos was our VCE Dux with an ATAR 96.35. Jessica plans to study Biomedicine at Monash University. Other high achievers include Isabelle Foo Souye Chan who achieved a 96 ATAR. Isabelle aims to study Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne. Raymond Ly achieved an ATAR of 90.65. Raymond aspires entry into a double degree of Biomedicine/Commence at Monash University. We had 21 students scoring an ATAR above 80. Our mean ATAR for 2023, was 68.46. Although, we know that success in education is also much more than an ATAR. As a learning community, we have a holistic approach to developing a young person. While exploring passions, students develop their resilience, creativity, problem solving and leadership skills. There are different pathways for students. Our VCE Vocational Major and VPC Victorian Pathways Certificate students, have all done us proud. This year, we achieved a successful completion rate of 97%. I wish to acknowledge our team of dedicated staff who provide outstanding encouragement, support, and opportunities for learning.
Year 7 2024, Orientation Day Program
Thank you to our newest members of the HPSC community for joining us for the 2023 Year 7 Orientation Day. Thank you to Mr Brad Andrews for his leadership and to our student leaders, Year 7 2024 mentors and all staff involved in today’s highly successful Program. The students had a great time, learnt a lot, and built valuable connections. We look forward to seeing you next year!
School returns for Year 7, 11 and 12 students on Tuesday 30th January, all students return on Wednesday 31st January.
Thank you again for your support. Wishing our entire learning community, a safe and relaxing holiday.
Wayne Haworth