P&F News

From the P&F President
On Wednesday night we held our P&F AGM during which the following positions were filled:
President | Jason Pages |
Vice President | Darryl Hancock |
Secretary | Stacey Murnane |
We would like to thank the immediate past President, Jim Darmody for his leadership of and commitment to the P&F over the last three years.
We have already commenced planning for the coming year. We are looking to invigorate the social aspect of our community and look forward to working with the school to fund specific projects for the benefit of our children. To that end please email me any thoughts you have on how the P&F can achieve these goals in the coming year.
If you would like to get involved, we are looking for year group representatives to help spread our message and take feedback from parents in your year groups. Once again, please email me jason.pages@iinet.net.au if you would like to be part of what we do.
Look forward to seeing you at a social event soon,
Mr Jason Pages | P&F President
DIGS Next Meeting
The next regular monthly meeting will be on Wednesday 6 December, upstairs at the Premier Hotel from 6.30pm. All fathers and father figures are welcome.
Join our 'DIGS at GSG' Facebook Group
Don't forget to join our private Facebook group 'DIGS at GSG' to keep up to date with upcoming events and activities. Mums are welcome to join too!
Luke Murnane, President
0417 944 789
David Marshall, DIGS Coordinator
0418 924 176