Grade 4 News

Important Reminders
- Hats - As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
- 8th December- Up-session (Maths)
- 12th December- Meet new teacher & class
- 15th December- Meet again with the new teacher & class
- 19th December- class parties (a message will go out soon)
This fornight the students' main focus has been to finish their Buddy Book. Although they won't be meeting their buddies this year, the new students will be very excited to receive a gift with so much thought that has gone into it. The Grade 4s have planned, drafted, published and illustrated their book, which demonstarted the amount of pride that they put into their work.
Literature Circles have been continuing, which has allowed the students to engage in discussions about the book they have been reading. It is interesting to hear the conversations as the students agree, disgree or offer new interpretations of their story.
Students have also been reading other non-fiction materials to help them understand the craft of writing these types of texts. Once they have finished their buddy book, they have been writing an information report on their chosen Inquiry topic.
Next Week:
Buddy Books will be finished. The next text to finish writing is the information report, where students are encouraged to not only present it in an organised manner, but to include a variety of sentence structures, interesting word choices and correct punctuation. When this is finished, students can choose their own writing piece to go on with.
The students have continued their work with decimals. It was easy to understand tenths because they had used ten as a denominator when working with fractions. Last week this was extended to hundredths. Once again, the students represented this pictorially and on a number line.
This week we have begun to work with money. The students have been required to calculate the change needed.
Next Week:
The students will continue to calculate money amounts.
The students will be revising different strategies practised over the year including working on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The strategies revisited are the split, compensation and skip strategies.
Now that the students have researched their Inquiry topic, they have honed in on their creative skills to think of a way to spread the message of their chosen issue to the broader school community.
Some students are speaking to other classes, some are speaking at assembly, some have made craft items, and some are creating fun scavenger hunts around the school.
Evie, Monique, Abbey and Amy have spoken to Grade 1 classes about ocean pollution. They handed pictures to the children showing clean and polluted oceans. After discussing what we want oceans to look like. They suggested that they may like to make a poster to help spread the word.
Asher, Macey and Mavis went to the grade 1s, and played a game with them. The children had to find letters, which spelled 'dog', and then told them facts about dogs and how animals should be protected.