Grade 3 News

Important Reminders
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
Important Reminders
Last Day Of School: Wednesday, 20th December 2023
Class Parties: We will have a combined Grade 3 class party outside on Tuesday the 19th of December at 12 pm. Please bring a plate of food to share with your class. Girls please bring a savoury plate, boys please bring a sweet plate. Students to ensure students bring a water bottle to school. HOT FOOD: Unfortunately we are unable to heat any food. If you would like to bring in hot food between 11.30 and 12 noon, please drop it off at the office.
Learning in Action
The Year 3s continued to read about environmental threats by closely examining Climate Change in their reading and defining what it is, how it is caused and some steps we can take to curb its impact. The students then turned their reading into posters. Last Friday was the first of our UP Sessions and the focus was Literacy. Students were read a picture story book which they then had to re create in a mini book form. This required putting it into their own words and voice with illustrations. This week, the sound of jingle bells could be heard and the students read about Christmas Around The World and then went on to research a country and show its flag, its landmarks, its food and a common expression. The students are revising their persuasive writing skills with letter writing to Santa convincing him of their well-deserving behaviour. Last Monday, the students also got to listen to the House Captain's Speeches with each of the candidates using many persuasive devices to entice votes.
Next week, students will write some letters and think about their Wants and Needs this year. Students will also be reading different Christmas books and completing book reviews to share with the class.
In the last two weeks, Grade 3's have developed their understanding of angles, and transformations like flip, slide and turn, to create their tessellation. Students created their shapes and had to slide and turn the shape to create their tessellation. Some students created human angles with a partner and identified angles they could see in the classroom. Students have also been revising addition and subtraction strategies and applying those strategies to activities with a partner.
Next week, students will revise multiplication and division strategies.
Most classes have taken the opportunity to catch up with all their Friendology sessions and to put the key takeaways into practise in the yard and class. We have also started a class Kindness Quilt. Each student wrote an act of kindness on a template and coloured it in. Once they completed the task, they then pasted theirs onto the board to create our 'quilt'.
Students have read and discussed what Christmas looks like around the world and the different traditions different countries have. They then researched a different country to find out how Christmas is different to how it is in Australia, looking at the food, the scenery and the weather, as well as the traditions in that country.
Next week students will think about our topic of pollution, their wishes for the world, and how they can achieve them.
It's been a busy fourth term and especially the last few weeks!
Middle School Celebration Morning
On Thursday, 30th November the Middle School was ready for all the parents to come in. Every single student had their work spread out on their table. The clock hit 9.15 and all the parents started coming in. Every student was showing their great work. They showed their picture storybooks, their Chance investigation, their Climate Change poster and their Threats to Australian Environment research. The students showed their amazing work. By the time, we were finished showing everything, it was about ten o'clock and all the parents had left. We went around to the other grade threes and then to the grade fours. All their work was amazing. Chloe R. 3W
Thursday, 30th November was Celebration Morning. My Mum, my baby brother Theo and my Dad's parents came to look at all the work I've done this term. My Mum loved my Climate Change poster and my Inquiry book about environmental threats in Australia. She also loved my information piece on threats to the Little Penguin. My Dad's parents liked everything but their favourite was my Climate Change poster. Later I could go into my sister's room. Celebration Morning was from 9.15-10.00 and it went for 45 minutes. I was a bit nervous when my Mum came in. We had Celebration Morning so our Mums, Dads, Nans and Pops could see the work we have done all term. I thought it was fun, and exciting and it made me think and wonder what my Mum will think. Will she like it? Will she be disappointed? No, she was proud of my work. Ami 3W
Christmas Carols
Market Day
"On the 6th of December Grade fives and sixes made market stalls for Market Day.
Market Day is a day where the whole school brings money for the markets and spends it on yummy treats or fun games. All of the money that is raised will go to the Leukaemia Foundation. When my class got there the air felt fun and bubbly. Everyone there was so excited. My favourite stall was dunk the teacher. Dunk the teacher is where you get a bucket of water and pour it on a teacher. It was so much fun! Once we left everyone started to calm down.Thank you to teachers for helping and Grade fives and sixes for making an amazing market!" Scarlett 3S
Market Day
On the 6 of December it was Market Day
at L.P.S.
The Grade 5s and 6s ran over 40 stalls.
My favourite stall was the basketball machine
and food stores.
We spent money to raise money for
the Leukemia Foundation.
Angus 3S
The Grade 3 team would like to sincerely thank our families for all the support of the students and our learning programs. We wish you a very Merry Christmas, a joyous holiday period and all our best wishes for 2024.
Susanne, Chandra and Christine.