Grade 1 News

Important Reminders
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
- Library loans and take home books have finished for the year, ready for cataloguing for 2024. If your child has library books or take home books at home, please send them to school to be returned as soon as possible. Thank you!
- Grade 1 Class Party - We will be having our end of year class party on Tuesday 19th 12:00. Please see below for food to be brought in:
- 1T - Sweet
- 1PA - Savoury
- 1I - Sweet
- 1KA - Savoury
Learning in Action
What a year! The students have grown and developed many skills that will support them going forward. The students have shown passion and engagement when working through their Reading and Writing goals as well as in class discussions. The students have enjoyed the connections they have made throughout the year in the classroom, Library, and in their day-to-day life sharing with friends and family. This year the students have written a range of pieces including narratives, persuasive letters, and poems.
It has been an impressive year in Maths by all students, as they completed their first full year of Maths Masters. Students accepted the challenge of testing what they already knew and extended themselves to learn new skills. We couldn't be more proud of their determination to master each skill and their ability to collborate with others. Students have developed a range of skills this year when topics such as the four operations, fractions, time, geometry and statistics. They persisted to achieve their goals and adopted a growth mindset to help overcome challenges to their learning. Students have all demonstrated an improved ability to explain their thinking and share their strategies with others. Well done
We have been so excited to see the passion and enthusiasm that has really shone through with our Grade 1 students over the past fortnight since our visit from Gayle from ShareSpace. It has been great to see all of those donations coming in as part of our Call To Action. Today was the last day for donations to come in - thank you for supporting your children with this. We are looking forward to making our delivery to ShareSpace next week.
This year our Inquiry topics have sparked so much curiosity and creativity in the Grade 1s. Here is a recap of what we have explored with students this year:
Term 1: Good Health & Wellbeing - making choices to lead a healthy and balanced life.
Term 2: Geography - exploring natural and man-made placed in our local community and the different connections different Peoples have to these places.
Term 3: History - investigating how our lives are different to people in the past, looking at different civilizations dating back to the oldest continuing culture, the early Indigenous Australians.
Term 4: Sustainability - learning about the resources of water, food and plastic; where it comes from and how to be sustainable with its use. This then led to a focus on the 5Rs - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle and, of course, our Call To Action.
What a huge year of curiosity it’s been!!!
This fortnight, our students completed their Friendology books and shared them with their buddies.
Over the past year, our students have loved participating in Friendology program. We have learned about the Four Friendship Facts, Friendship Fires, the Friend-o-meter and the Friend-o-Cycle. We are proud of how our student have used this language and built skills in conflict resolution.
Christmas Concert
What a fun night it was! Well done to all of the Grade 1 students for their fantastic performance (and good luck to all you parents in getting that song out of your heads!!)
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Grade 1 award winners.
Grade 1 |
1T - Riley D & Alfie H |
1PA - Harris C & Poppy W |
1I - Mitch W & Evvie |
1KA - Ava L & Elouise B |
And finally.. thank you!
The Grade 1 teachers would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you for all of your support over the year. What an incredible year it's been - we are so proud of all of the students for all they've achieved throughout the year. None of it would be possible without alllllll the work you do each and every day to keep your children happy, healthy and excited about coming to school. We hope you all enjoy the break over the holidays and we'll see you next year.
From the Grade 1 teachers,
Kayla Pepper, Caillin Ibbotson, Tim Inglis, Alex Kent & Peta Alexander