Year 5-6
Term 1, Week 2
Year 5-6
Term 1, Week 2
We have had a fabulous start to 2024. Everyone has came back with an outstanding attitude and have done a fantastic job welcoming new and returning students to our school. This year we also welcome Lisa Lister into 5/6F and Kerry Mason into 5/6M as our Learning Support Officers, we extend a warm welcome to them both.
Over the past week, we have been revisiting all of our classroom and school expectations and putting these action. We have also began our new Resilience Project Diary, where we have began by understanding gratitude and recognising what we are grateful for as well as what makes us happy.
Click on the link below to find out more about The Resilience Project.
On the 13th of February we will celebrate Shrove Tuesday. It is a traditional Christian day that takes place on the day before Ash Wednesday. It is a day when people traditionally use up ingredients such as sugar, butter and eggs, before the start of Lent. Often pancakes were cooked to use up these ingredients and has now become recognised as Pancake Tuesday.
The Year 6 students will be cooking pancakes for the school, as well as all students wearing casual clothes and having the option to buy a Zooper Dooper.
The next day we begin our season of Lent with Ash Wednesday. Lasting 40 days, it represents Christ's Temptation, observed with fasting and prayer. People, Christians and non-Christians alike, often give up bad habits or look for areas of self improvement for Lent.
Just a reminder about our school uniform policy.
If this is unable to be achieved on a particular day, please write a note or email to your child's classroom teacher.
Monday: Art
Wednesday: Japanese (5/6M), STEM (5/6F)
Thursday: PE (Both classes), STEM (5/6M), Japanese (5/6F).
Friday: Bluearth (Even weeks) Assembly (Odd weeks)
Each week we have specialist subjects. On Bluearth and PE days, students can wear their PE uniform.
We would love students/parents/grandparents to be a part of our cake making team. Every assembly, we draw a raffle for a cake/slice/biscuits and children love being a part of the
competition. If you would be interested in contributing, could you please send us an email and we can add you to a roster.
Lou, Linc, Kerry and Lisa.