Year 3-4


We welcome all year 3/4 and families to our learning space. Tuesday Week 1 was full of excitement as students returned and found their space in their new class.


We especially welcome Keira Bodycoat to our school as the LSO for 3/4T. Keira will be working full time in this class. Welcome back to Nic Asquith. Nic has moved from the 5/6 unit and will be working in 3/4 J Tuesday-Friday. Mrs Timperley has moved on up and is excited to be with some familiar faces and reconnect with the year 4 students that she taught with in the junior area! Lisa Crowe will work in our area on Monday and Friday each week.


Introduction to The Resilience Project

This year we have introduced The Resilience Project lessons. 

We are committed to teaching positive mental health strategies to build the children's capacity to deal with the everyday ups and downs.


Teachers and students will engage in weekly lessons and activities around the key principles of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM) and Emotional Literacy to build resilience.


Click on the link to find out more about The Resilience Project.

New Students

We extend a special welcome to Billy Harper (returning from extended travel), Jasper Dunning, Kyle Luu and Joshua Huang (returning from overseas). We hope that these students settle into our classes and feel the St. John's welcome.

Special News

Ms Ally welcomed her second grandchild into the world on 30th January.

Baby Van Patrick Penny, born to Steph and Paddy in Queensland.

We hope that Ms Ally is soaking up the newborn snuggles and enjoying time with Van and his big sister Pia (2). Ms Ally will return in Week 3.

Swimming Trials

Today Grade 3-6 students gave it their best shot in the pool for the swimming trials. We wish them luck as Mrs Watson puts together a team to represent St. Johns at district and regional events. Stay tuned!

Uniform Reminders

It is hat wearing season, so please ensure your child has their hat every day

Our sports days are on Wednesday and Friday. Students need to be in sport uniform with white socks and runners. All other days, students need to be in the full school uniform with green socks and black polishable shoes. A reminder that hair below the collar needs to be tied back with a neutral hair colour tie or yellow and green in the school colours.



Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to the families who came along to Parent Teacher Interviews last week. Getting to know more about your children from you is very important in the partnerships we have between school and home. 


If you have not yet seen Ally or Rachel for an interview, could you please make contact and arrange a convenient time over the next week for Rachel or in Week 3 with Ally. We are happy for it to be over the phone if this suits you best.


Alternatively, please call the office and leave a message with Bek and we will call you outside of teaching hours.


We have started the term with learning about how we learn best. We are establishing classroom expectations and looking at growth mindset across all areas of learning.

In the next newsletter, we will publish the fortnightly focuses for each core learning area.



Here is a copy of the daily timetable for each classroom.



Lining up
Sharing something we are grateful for
Silent reading time
Silent reading time
Lining up
Sharing something we are grateful for
Silent reading time
Silent reading time


Home Reading Program

Students have now all received their reading record books for home reading. We expect that students read for 15-20 minutes each night. We will begin library borrowing this week so everyone will always have access to books. Students are welcome to read a book from home or the Euroa Library. Please make sure that an adult signs the reader journal each night.


We look forward to working with you this year.


Ally, Rachel, Keira, Lisa and Nic.