
February ❤

6th -   St Johns Swimming Trials 12 - 3pm

            Parish Council Meeting 6pm

7th -    Lunch ordering resumes     

9th -  Bluearth

12th - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am

            District Swimming

13th - Shrove Tuesday Activities

            Melbourne Football Club

14th - Ash Wednesday Mass 12.30pm

16th - Yr 5/6 Seed Planting with 

                  Ray Thomas  - TBC

18th - First Sunday Lent

19th - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am

21st -  Yr 6 Leadership Day FCJ - Postponed

22nd - School Photo's

23rd - Bluearth

             3/4 Class Mass 12.30pm

25th - Second Sunday of Lent

26th - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am



1st - World Day of Pray 10am 

           St Johns Chruch

        Division Swimming

       Yr 1/2 Class Mass 12.30pm

3rd - Third Sunday of Lent

4th - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am

6th - Regional Swimming 

10th - Forth Sunday of Lent

11th - Labour Day Public Holiday