Welcome the first STEM page!

For the first two school terms of the year we will be focussing on Cybersafety and Engineering.  

We are very lucky to have the support of Denise Hall (our Mental Health in Schools Leader) to help us in teaching the Cybersafety unit because she previously worked for a company called "Safe on Social". 

Last week we began our Cybersafety unit by looking at the people who could help us if we felt unsafe or got into trouble on the internet. On a blank hand the students wrote the names of 5 people they could go to for help. The middle and senior students then completed a survey about their internet usage. 


This week in Cybersafety we will be looking at- 

Foundation /Year 1 and 2 

Body Clues- How do we feel when we see something we don't like?


Years 3/4 and Year 5/6

"What have you signed up for?" 

Students learning to understand that there is an agreement they are entering into when they sign up for apps and online games and also develop an awareness of how the information they share online is stored and used.


Have a great week!
