Specialists Wonga Weekly

Week 7 Term 4

Physical Education


Prep PE

Students will actively participate in a series of dynamic and collaborative games and activities designed to enhance their catching and ball striking abilities. Throughout these engaging sessions, students will be empowered to conscientiously observe and refine their techniques for both skills, fostering a heightened sense of self-awareness and skill development.


Prep Sensory

This week's Sensory Gym session will feature a diverse range of activities and exercises  designed to enhance participants' hand-eye coordination, balance, and core strength. 


Grade 1 and 2

Students will take part in a variety of interactive and collaborative games and activities, all centered around honing their catching and ball striking prowess. Emphasis will be placed on encouraging students to actively assess and enhance their technique for both skills, fostering a proactive approach to skill refinement.


Grade 3 and 4

This week we will explore the fundamental skills essential for Softball and Teeball. Students will actively engage in a series of rotational activities, with a focus on refining their ball striking, catching with a mitt, and honing their throwing abilities.


Grade 5 and 6

In the coming week, we will delve into the core skills for Softball and Teeball. Through a series of rotations, students will immerse themselves in activities tailored to enhance their proficiency in ball striking, catching with a mitt, and precision in throwing.

Performing Arts

Students throughout the school will be continuing to work on their Christmas Carols items and participate in whole level practices in preparation for the show. Additional practices for both senior and junior choir and musical items will occur throughout the week too! 


Your children may have come home last week and told you all about the terrible smell in the science room during their class! It was just cabbage water as we tested the pH of 3 liquids. You too may like to try this at home, if you can handle the terrible odour! 


All grades have chosen a plant experiment to observe over the coming weeks. Some will look at how a bean grows when planted in different soil types, watered with varying liquids and exposed to different levels of sunlight.  

Each week they will sketch their experiment and note any changes that have occurred.  


Science lesson – learning about density and surface tension by creating a lava lamp.   



Prep students will be completing their snapshots for this term. They will practise signing the alphabet song, as well as complete a simple word search using their knowledge of the alphabet letter signs.


Grade 1 and 2

Grade 1 and 2 students will be completing their learning snapshot for this term. They will sign the alphabet and finger spell simple 3 letter words. They will also complete an Auslan wordsearch.


Grade 3 and 4

Grade 3 and 4 students will use their knowledge of the signs for o’clock and half past to play a variety of games relating to time, including ‘What’s the time, Mr Wolf?’


Grade 5 and 6

Grade 5 students will prepare a short 'thank you' message for their teacher and begin to research and practice these signs to present to their teacher.

Grade 6 students will compose a short description of what they love about Wonga Park Primary School. They, too will begin to research and practice the Auslan signs for these descriptions, in preparation for creating a video presentation. 


Visual Arts


Students will be creating their learning snapshot for Term 4, painting a Christmas tree focussing on loose brushstrokes and a flicking motion for the branches. 


Grade 1 and 2

Students will be adding two contrasting colours to their Nutcrackers drawings from last week, focussing on keeping in the lines and choosing colours that work well together. 


Grade 3 and 4

Students will be finishing off their gingerbread houses, adding puffy and glitter paint and 3D embellishments. 


Grade 5 

Students will be painting their Picasso clay masks, copying the colours they designed in their collage version of the face. 


Grade 6

Students will be putting the final touches on their Graduation self portraits, including framing their work. They will also make a radial design snowflake Christmas decoration using wire and beads.