Prep Wonga Weekly

Week 9, Term 4


🗓️ Dates for Term 4: 

Wednesday 29th November: Hot Dog Day

Wednesday 6th December: Buddy Picnic 

Wednesday 6th December: Christmas Carols evening

Thursday 7th December: Whole School Friendship Day

Monday 18th December: Bring supper for Grade 6 Graduation

Wednesday 20th December: Last day of the school year. Early dismissal of 1.30pm.


🍎 Prep 2024 Orientation Morning: The 2024 Preps will be having their Orientation morning from 9am until 1pm. Please look at the sign on your child's classroom door so that they know where to go for the morning. They will be back to eat their Hot Dog day lunch in their own classrooms. 


🏫 Transition to Grade 1: The transition to Grade 1 is beginning this week on Monday (instead of Tribes). Students will spend half an hour in the Grade 1 rooms. The aim of this session is for students to go with their prep class and their current teacher to become familiar with the new classrooms and buildings.


👯‍♀️ Buddy Christmas picnic: 


🗞️ News Groups for Wednesday 29th November: My favourite Summer activity ☀️



📚 Reading 

Students will investigate non fiction texts, particularly looking at sea creatures and their features. They will also learn about contractions (a word that's a shortened form of two words put together, eg. can't = can not). 

They will also continue to practise reading with expression to make their voices interesting for their audience. 


What can you do at home?

-Log into Reading Eggs and find a suitable text (remember to change the age for 5 - 7 years old). It might be a good idea to select a non fiction text!

-Assist your child to read their take home book each night and their magic words. 

-Help your child to read with expression and fluency as they read. 


🔡 Phonics 

This week we will be manipulating sounds, both orally and in written form, by exploring 'onsite and rime*' (please note - this is not a spelling error!). This means changing the initial sound (onset) while keeping the ending sound (rime). For example, with the 'rime' ending of 'at' you can change the 'onset' to make the words cat, rat, bat, mat, sat, etc.


What you can do at home?

-Choose a base 'rime' like 'ip', 'in', 'un' and change the first sound (eg. with 'ip' you can make the words: lip, zip, tip, trip, etc).

-Use your sound ring to continue to practise letter names and the sounds they make. Play some games using the sound ring cards (ideas are on the ring). 


📝 Writing 

Students will draw inspiration from our work on Magic Beach. Last week, they particularly enjoyed the page about the pirates finding treasure. This week, students will be drawing and labelling their own treasure chest, which they will then be writing about. They will also learn about acrostic poems. An acrostic poem is a poem in which certain letters of each line spell out a word, name, or phrase when read vertically.


What can you do at home?

-Continue to encourage correct pencil grip (pointer on top).

-Encourage correct formation of letters.

-If your child writes at home, assist them to hear and write the sounds in words. 


🔢  Maths 

Students will investigate number concepts of adding, subtracting, and recording number sentences to match. They will work with numbers that push over 20 and record their thinking. Students will engage in challenging maths tasks to explore this concepts, so that we can observe how they persist and find multiple solutions to problems.


What can you do at home? 

-Explore the Mathseeds app on the iPad. You might want to choose games / tasks that involve the concept of counting, addition and subtraction. 


🌏 CBL - Discovery 🔎

We will be exploring bubbles and making discoveries about them. We will also do some fun arts and crafts with them!

We will continue our work on discovering about a topic that we want to know more about.