Year 1/2 Report

As we reflect on the past year, it’s remarkable to see the journey that we have taken together. From the fun of school swimming to the curiosity sparked during our water walk and incursion, a day of learning at the Melbourne Museum and most recently the fun we had at the 1/2 Stay Late.
We are thrilled to share the highlights from the 1/2s Stay Late on Thursday, November 30th. Laughter filled the BER building as our students engaged in a variety of exciting activities, fostering teamwork and forming new relationships. Students worked collaboratively in groups and took on different challenges making the evening a memorable experience for all. To finish off the night, students relished in sharing pizza and snacks together with friends. Thank you for allowing us to provide new experiences and create memories with the students.
Our students have embraced new challenges, forming friendships and building resilience along the way. Each one of the students has contributed to the collective achievements of our class, and as teachers we are proud of both their individual and group accomplishments this year.