General News & Information:

Book Packs, Payments, Class Parties & More

2024 Book Packs


It is fast approaching the cut-off date for ordering 2024 book packs. Please place orders by the 20th December so they can be delivered to school in time for the book packs to be handed out to your child on their first day. If you choose to purchase the book pack items yourself, your child will need to bring the book pack items with them on the the first day of school. 


Below you will find a Paperchase Office National Flyer with information and instructions on how to order your child’s book pack directly from Paperchase Office National via a username specifically created for our school together with a list of the Book Pack content by year level. Alternatively, parents can purchase these items from any other store of their choosing.  


If you do decide to purchase the items elsewhere, please ensure your child has all items on the list and avoid adding any additional items, especially items such as permanent markers or paint pens. Often these items have chemicals which must be legally identified and added to a register with the appropriate controls are put in place for their storage, use and disposal. If students do have these items, they will be confiscated and and sent home to parents or carers. 


Please see the book pack lists and instructions below:


Parent Payments

Within our school, the financial contributions from families have enabled us to provide greater depth and quality to the high standards of instruction being delivered across all classes. For 2024, the school is requesting a minimum contribution of $245 in the category of ‘Curriculum Contributions’ to support our ongoing quest to provide the highest standard of learning opportunities for our students. That is less than $7 per week for the school year. This is an increase from our curriculum contributions requested for 2023, following a detailed review and considerations of what we wish to provision for learning in 2024, including the introduction of a new specialist class for Performing Arts.


How to pay the 2024 parent payment:

Parent Payments have been posted on Compass under Course Confirmation/Payments. You will need to open Compass in browser, the link to Course Confirmation/Payments will show in a green box in the top right-hand corner of the home page. For further information in relation to Parent Payments break-up and policy see attached document.


For further information please open the document below which outlines includes the school letter, the broken down expenditure for 2024 and one-page overview of the Department’s Parent Payments Policy.

Class Parties

Tomorrow the Foundation, Year 1/2 and 3/4 classes will be having class parties to celebrate a year of learning and all that has been achieved together. The Year 5/6 celebration is taking place at Funfields. 


Students have been asked to bring a plate of food to share with their peers instead of their regular lunch. We ask that all ingredients are displayed for allergy and restriction purposes. The plates of food should be brought into school at the beginning of the school day (preferably on a disposable plate). Please contact your child's teacher if you wish to drop the plate off at a later time.