Principal Report

A message and update from Nathan Gage

Playground - The wait is finally over! 

As we enter the final two weeks of term, it has been a significant relief that we see the conclusion of the playground installation. This project has been a long time coming, but now it is so great to see it finally here. A huge thank you must go out to all of the families who what been so generous through our fundraising efforts to get to this over the line - the new playground is going to be a space that will be thoroughly enjoyed for many years to come. To the parents/carers who have spent time helping support fundraising, whether it through the fundraising committee or grants through workplaces - our school is very appreciative of your contribution. I would also like to extend a special thank you to Naksh in year 2 who has, for the second year running, donated his birthday money to the school for the playground. Such an altruistic decision, one that Naksh intends to continue doing through to secondary school.


Greener Government Schools Grant - Success!!

Some may recall that I mentioned our recent application to receive a grant to install solar panels at Aberfeldie, as part of the Greener Government Schools initiative. Supporting our sustainability efforts through utilising renewable energy. The Minister for Education (some of you may have heard of him) Ben Carroll made the announcement late last month that Aberfeldie was successful in receiving this grant. So this means that by the end of term 3 2024, Aberfeldie Primary School will be the home of a 26kW solar powered system! 


Colour Run - Success!!

Another successful end of year celebration was experienced by many last week with our colour run event. An amazing fundraising event that was filled with colour, water, giant inflatables and slime! It was very sad that a small number of staff were unwell and could not attend (me included),  it looked absolutely amazing! The space was perfect for this well organised event. Well done to everyone who participated, raised money and joined our community for this special time. A special thank you to Erin and the small team of parents and staff who made this all possible - tremendous effort. The end of year celebration will continue to evolve into 2024 to be bigger and better than ever, especially with the introduction of performing arts next year! 


Performing Arts 2024

With that, I would like to announce that our fabulous performing arts teacher for 2023 is going to be THE ONE, THE ONLY Kim Caffari! Very lucky to have Kim take on this really exciting role at APS in 2023 - this is going to be HUGE!


Staff Farewells 2023

At the end of this year we will farewell some amazing contributors to our wonderful school community. Please join me in saying farewell to the following staff and wish them all the best for their next step:

Julie, who has been instrumental in our school's success (both financial and otherwise) as our superstar Business Manager.

Sensei Andrew, arigato gozaimasu for your work in building our Japanese Program.+69

Cat, who has been an terrific member of the 3/4 team in 2023.

Lexie & Zoe, who have been such a tremendous support for so many students in the class.


Farewell Abers - from me!

So, as I mentioned in a recent Compass post, 2023 will be my last year at Aberfeldie Primary School. It's been an incredible journey here at Aberfeldie Primary School. As I reflect on the past four and a bit years, I'm filled with immense pride for all that we've accomplished together. From academic milestones and building improvements, to the resilience shown during challenging times like the pandemic, each step forward has been a testament to the dedication and spirit of this wonderful school and its community.


While I'm looking forward to the new chapter ahead, leaving Aberfeldie will undoubtedly be bittersweet. I'm immensely grateful for the opportunity to have served as your principal and to have been a part of this vibrant, nurturing environment. As I head off to a new school, I carry with me cherished memories and the confidence that Aberfeldie will continue to thrive into the future. Thank you all for being an integral part of this incredible journey. Goodbye for now, but know that Aberfeldie will always hold a special place in my heart. I look forward to catching up with many of you again at the 100 year celebration in 2025!


We hope that everyone has a safe and happy summer holiday period. Take care and make memories with those close to you!