Mrs Rannah Scamporlino

Poetry - Grade 5/6

Poetry is a vast subject, as old as history and older. It is a type of literature, or artistic writing, that attempts to stir a reader's imagination or emotions. The poet does this by carefully choosing and arranging language for its meaning, sound, and rhythm. Some poems, such as nursery rhymes, are simple and humorous, others, such as the 'epic' are long narrative poems that recount heroic deeds and are often deep and meaningful. 


Whatever the form, poetry offers a writer a highly creative way to share themselves with their audience, as it often evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or emotion.


I like to think of poetry in the words of the French poet Paul Valéry who once said, "if prose was walking, then poetry is dancing".


This fortnight we share some beautiful poetry crafted by the 5/6 students. Many thanks to those students who shared their poetry with us this week.


Fun with Literacy @Home

Super Literacy Challenge

I have some very nice little prizes that I am giving to the first 3 children each fortnight, who come to me with their responses to these "Super Literacy Challenges". But you have to be one of the first 3 to show me your responses...and you have to be correct of course!


Are you going to give it a go? You will also have your name published in the newsletter as a "Super Literacy Winner"

Super Literacy Challenge Number 6

Words from Words


You need to be pretty imaginative to create beautiful poetry ... so our word this fortnight is - "imaginative"


I  M  A  G  I  N  A  T  I  V  E


Your challenge is to make as many smaller words as you can from this one word. 

  • You can only use each letter once in each word.
  • You can mix and match the letters to make your words.

HINT: There are 50 words you can make!


...well, actually there are really 239 words that can be made, but I will settle for 50.


Good Luck - don't forget to see me first to claim your place and to have your name recorded in the newsletter as a Super Literacy Winner and collect your prize.