Important Dates

Upcoming Dates for your diaries!

Mon 27th NovYear 1 Werribee Zoo Excursion pay by 13/11
Tues 28th NovPrep end of year concert/celebration 2.30 to 3.00
Wed 29th NovCurriculum Day – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Wednesday 6th DecemberChoir & Student Leadership visit to Heathglen Aged Care
Mon 11th DecYear 6 Graduation - First round tickets payment due 24/11
 Junior School (Prep 1 & 2) Sports Day pay by 4/12
Tues 12th DecYear 7 State-wide Transition Day
Thurs 14th DecYear 3 Botanical Gardens Excursion pay by 8/12
Mon 18th DecYear 6 Adventure Park Excursion pay by 8/12
Wed 20th DecEnd of School Year - 1.15pm Finish