Meet a Staff Member

10 minutes with….
Name: Raymond Pisani
Title: Teacher and Principal of Marian College
How long have you been at Marian: 17 years (nearly)
1. Tell us a little about your life outside of teaching/working? Eg. Family, hobbies. Passions
I am married to Renata and have a daughter, Isabella. I am the youngest of 10 children. I used to play soccer (many years ago) and now keenly watch Aston Villa (English Premier League) and the Australian teams. I now spend most of my free time in the garden, mainly the vegetable patch.
2. How did you end up teaching/ working at Marian College?
After spending 24 years at my previous school, the last 11 years of those as a Deputy Principal, it was time for a change and I was fortunate to be appointed Co-Principal at Marian. I spent 11 years in that role, working alongside Rita Grima, and have been sole Principal since the beginning of 2018.
3. What do you like most about teaching/working at Marian College?
Teaching is all about trying to make a difference in some young people’s lives. I have enjoyed watching young people find things they love to do, make friendships with other students and at the same time contribute something back to the community. Marian is very special in that way. Our multi-cultural community is a perfect model of diversity in action.
4. What are the biggest challenges facing teachers today?
Life in the 21st Century is very complex and changes often and quickly. Teachers are asked to take responsibility for many things and that becomes challenging with limited time.
5. What are the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today?
With the impact of technology new trends emerge very quickly and pressure comes just as quick for young people to keep up with it all. Social media adds that other dimension in the sense that comments and opinions can be shared without any filter and that causes concerns.
6. Favourite food & drink?
I enjoy both pizza and pasta. Coca Cola is my choice of drink.
7. Favourite holiday destination?
The world is a beautiful place so any holiday destination is a good one in my opinion. However, I love visiting my family’s homeland, Malta, as well as Italy and England.
8. Favourite TV show & Movie?
The Twilight Zone and MASH are my favorite TV shows and my favourite movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark.
9. If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be?
Professional Footballer (Soccer) or a Gardener
10. Which 5 people in history would you like to invite to a dinner party?
My Grandfathers, St. Mary MacKillop, Galileo Galilei (Astronomer), Muhammad Ali, Rod Serling (The Twilight Zone creator)