Hello, from the kitchen.

This term Grade 5/6C have been working in the kitchen.  Each week half of the class cook lunch for the whole class, while the other half of the class work with Ms Condon in the classroom.  We have enjoyed minestrone soup, a creamy pumpkin pasta, a tomato-based pasta, spinach and feta triangles, quiche, and rice balls, all including fresh ingredients harvested from our school garden.


We have also been practising our baking skills to enter the School Section of the Bendigo Agricultural Show.

Some students volunteered to cook particular items from this list, and they have been experimenting with different varieties of cupcakes, muffins and yo-yos each week, including one memorable batch of bright green Anzac biscuits with a dark chocolate button in the middle!  Sadly I wasn’t able to get a photo of these before they were eaten, but I am assured they were delicious.


The Bendigo Show is on Friday October 27 and Saturday October 28, with free entry for kids, so please stop by if you can and see our entry - and our school art display which is going to be epic!

Also, if anyone is having a spring clean out over the holidays and has a pasta machine or gnocchi boards you are looking to donate somewhere, we would gratefully give them a good home in our kitchen.  After learning more about pasta making, I am keen to give it a go next term rather than using dried pasta as we have in the past.

from Sheridan.