Hello, from Carolyn.

Hello everyone,

Our 'Tag on' project has started! All students should have received their tag this week along with an information sheet explaining how you can register their tag. We have two 'tag on' kiosks, one in the multipurpose room and one in the corridor of the downstairs building. It was great to see so many of our students tagging on this morning. As the weather continues to improve, hopefully more of our students and families will enjoy a walk/scoot/ride to school.


Term 4 Goal setting meetings.

Bookings will open on Monday for this term's goal setting meetings, keep an eye on the Sentral app for the notification. Some times will be available Wednesday 18th after school and we have allocated all day Friday 20th. No students are at school on Friday 20th so our teachers are available for these meetings during the day. Please bring your child along to their goal setting meeting, it's important that they are part of the conversation about how their learning is going and their next steps in learning.


Student free days this term.

A reminder that the following days are student free days-

Tuesday 10 October. Curriculum day for staff. We will be working with Michael Minas, Maths consultant.

Friday 20 October Term 4 goal setting meetings, bring your child to the meeting with you.

And Bendigo Cup on Wednesday 1 November is a public holiday.


There are a few activities on in Bendigo this weekend, the Zinda multicultural festival on Saturday at the White Hills gardens and the BendiGnome hunt is still on until Sunday. Hopefully the weather will be good and you and your family will be able to get out and about for some fun activities.

warm regards,



School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.