News from the 5/6 Classrooms 

Welcome to Term 4!

Well, it is the home stretch of the year, and the last leg of primary school for our Grade 6’s! 


Hold on to your hats, because this is going to be an epic term! 




We are already off to a wonderful start, with a great deal of enthusiasm from the students regarding our Integrated unit – Bizarre Bazaar.


During the unit, students will be working in teams to choose and develop a product/service to sell to the rest of the school at a Year 5/6 Market Day. They will be required to complete a number of tasks such as drawing up a simple business plan; creating an advertising poster for the product; completing a scaffolded balance sheet; writing a letter to a targeted charity offering to donate the profits of the day; and writing a reflection on the whole experience.


In Literacy, students made links to our Integrated unit by considering the use of pathos, ethos and logos in existing advertising materials, and how advertisers use them to manipulate the buyer. They then went on to create their own poster advertisement using these techniques. 


In Grade 5 Maths we looked at the Indigenous Australian custom of using possum cloaks to record history.  During this task, students not only learnt about an important cultural tradition, but also learnt about mapping and coordinates. 


In Grade 6 Maths we were problem solving using the Cartesian coordinate system.  Below, are some examples of our treasure maps!


We have so much to look forward to this term!