Team Foundation News

This term we are exploring the value of creativity in an inquiry titled Topsy Turvy Tales. In this unit, we are using creativity through inspiration from Fairy tales. We are reading and exploring a Fairy tale each week, identifying the various elements of a Fairy Tale including the use of love, royalty or magic and learning about the characters, setting, problem and solution.
Our Essential Questions for this unit are:
How can we be creative and imaginative?
What can we learn from fairy tales?
How can we design and make things using different materials?
Would you prefer to be a koala or a kangaroo? Why? What would happen if everyone looked the same? Which Fairy Tale character would you like to meet? Why? If you could talk to a spider, what questions would you ask them?
These are examples of Creativity Crackers which we will be using during the term to tune into our creative side.
Throughout the term, students will be experimenting with design using various materials and will be working towards creating their own puppet and mini theatre to perform their own Topsy Turvy Fairy tale! We will be immersing ourselves in Fairy Tales and completing tasks such as puppet and theatre design and making, building with different materials, brainstorming ideas to improve designs and through role play, pretending to be a range of Fairy Tale characters.
In groups, students will be exploring one traditional Fairy Tale to perform to an audience at the end of the unit. However, the trick is that the Fairy Tale has to be Topsy Turvy! They will select a place in their Fairy Tale that they are going to recreate as the setting of the puppet theatre. Each student creates a puppet of one of the characters in their group’s Fairy Tale. Planning, design and construction of the theatres and characters will require teamwork and creative thinking. Students will add sounds, such as voice, instruments, objects (props), that can help to perform the Fairy Tale. The puppets are required to talk and move during the performance. We’re looking forward to the Topsy Turvy Fairy Tale performances!
Enjoy walking into Fairy Tale Land which we will continue adding to each week in the foyer between the Foundation classrooms.
To support the learning of this unit we are really looking forward to ....
- An excursion to Legoland on Monday 20th November
Please put this date in your diary. More details will be sent out nearer the time.
Foundation Stars Term 4 - Week 1
In Week 1 our Foundation Stars were Celina (FKJ) and Christopher (FSR) .
Celina proudly shared her personal show bag of goodies. Some of the special items that she shared were: a snow leopard soft toy, a picture of an eagle that Celina drew herself and a special snow ball making tool! Celina also shared a gymnastic certificate that she received in 2022. She earned this certificate by consistently demonstrating pointy toes when she performed. Great effort Celina! At the end of her presentation Celina completed a tricky gymnastic move, a bridge. During this demonstration she also showed her lovely pointed toes! Thank you Celina for presenting your interesting show bag to us all!
Our second Foundation Star for Week 1 was Christopher (FSR). Christopher also chose to share his personal show bag. The audience was really interested in listening to Christopher share the contents of his bag. Some of these items that he shared were: a soft toy Sloth, a Collingwood beanie, a funny picture story book called, 'Do not open this book again!' by the author Andy Lee and a Spiderman DVD. Christopher was very proud to share his Collingwood beanie with his Foundation friends, seeing that they had just won the Grand Final for the 2023 season! Go Pies!! Well done Christopher for your entertaining presentation! We learnt so much about you!
We look forward to seeing next week's Foundation Star presentations!
Team Foundation Teachers
Kristen Schultz, Carli Greenwood and Kirstin Jones.