Sport and P.E.

In the Classroom
Welcome to Term 4! Our Foundation students are beginning the term by revisiting some of their learning from earlier in the year on the skills of catching, throwing and bouncing. Last week they even had their first experience with the Lobster - our tennis ball shooting machine - which they all had a lot of fun with! In Years 1 and 2, students are starting this term with a unit on striking, learning correct hitting technique in a range of sports and settings. Likewise, our Year 3s and 4s are also looking at developing upon their striking skills, working on this while also developing their fielding capabilities at the same time. Meanwhile, our Year 5 and 6 students have just begun SEPEP, their 6-week sports education unit. The SEPEP program will see students work in small teams to take charge of the unit and work to plan, develop and implement an effective program of learning and sport for themselves and their peers.
Division Athletics
Nineteen of our finest throwers, runners and jumpers were back at Tom Kelly Athletics track this week, competing in the Division Athletics Carnival. It was another absolute privilege for me to be able to attend and cheer for BPPS so I would like to thank and congratulate all of our athletes for their fantastic efforts - both on the day and also in the training sessions we had in the lead up to the event. Special shout outs to our boys U11 relay team (3rd), Maddie Duong (1st in triple jump) and Anthony Louey (2nd in both shot put and discus). By placing in the top two of their events, Maddie and Anthony have both qualified for Regional Athletics next week. Well done athletes and good luck at Regionals Maddie and Anthony!
Fitness Club
The BPPS Fitness Club is back! With over 90 students registered we had a big turn out at our first session last week, despite some pretty foul weather in the days beforehand. Well done to all of our dedicated runners for not letting the weather get them down. Our Fitness Club will be meeting at Leigh Park at 8:15am every Thursday morning in Term 4, so if you would like to register for your child to attend, please email me at
Thanks for reading!
Mr. Wickham