Principal Report

Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

Welcome to Term 4

We hope everyone had a great holiday, it has been fabulous to see our students return and jump straight back into the learning program.  


There are lots of things happening in Term 4, starting next week with our swimming program. Thanks to Phil Wickham for his planning and organisation for the program. 


We hope everyone enjoys their prizes from the Colour Run, they arrived this week and will be coming home.  


This term we will be holding Values Workshops, which all members of our community are invited to attend. These workshops will support us as a school to define our values and set some goals for our work together.  We will be confirming dates shortly and sending information out via COMPASS. 


Congratulations to the students who represented Boroondara Park PS at the Division Athletics this week. Pop over to the Sport and PE page of this newsletter to see how they went. 


We are all looking forward to our Fete this Saturday October 14th. 


This Community Engagement team event will run from 10am to 2pm, the BBQ will start with egg and bacon rolls as everyone starts lining up to vote first thing in the morning. 


Cake stall goodies can be dropped at the Art room on Friday October 13th from 3.00-4.30 or on Saturday. Dropping them at the Art room enables us to sign them in. 


There will be books and jigsaws, cakes and craft, games, inflatable activities, treats and much, much more. 


We look forward to your support as volunteers and enjoying some time throughout the day. 


Volunteers are still needed to make this a successful event - Volunteers sign up

At this stage we have 59% of places filled. Thanks in anticipation for your support! 

Raffle tickets 

Hoping everyone has returned the raffle tickets to school. Sold or unsold we need them back. 

Good luck to everyone who has purchased a ticket, the prizes are fantastic! 

Silent Auction 

What an opportunity to enjoy a weekend driving a Porsche Taycan, thanks to Porsche Doncaster. 


If you fancy dashing around Melbourne in this luxury car or driving it to a long overdue weekend getaway then take a look!  

Simply click on the Boroondara Park Primary School Fete link and place a bid from Friday 6th October until 2pm on Saturday 14th October 2023.


Highest bid at time of writing is $300. The gift certificate is worth $1800, so currently this is an amazing bargain! 

2024 timetable considerations

We are currently working on our 2024 school plan, both for staffing and timetabling. 


Next year all staff are required to have more non-face to face time which will mean a change in our timetable, we are currently considering options which will fit the requirements, including moving to one hour blocks of teaching instead of the current 50 minute blocks of teaching. 


We will provide more information soon. 

Scholarships to support students 

Scholarships are available for eligible students in Grade 4 to Year 11, and for Year 12 students planning to do tertiary studies in 2024.


The Department of Education administers a number of scholarships that are available to eligible students who are enrolled in Grade 4 to Year 12 in 2023.


Applicants for these scholarships will be evaluated on their:

· participation in school activities

· community involvement

· academic achievement.


Scholarships are either one-off payments or cover the duration of the student’s course or annual study.

Many of these scholarships have specific eligibility criteria so please refer to individual applications for more information. Applications are open and close on Thursday 1 February 2024. 


For more information and a list of available scholarships, refer to the 2024 Student scholarships for Grade 4 – Year 12 fact sheet attached. For information on how to apply, refer to Student scholarships


Specific scholarships for primary school students: 

John and Maud Askew Primary Scholarships

· Grade 4 and 5 students valued at $750 each

· Grade 6 students valued at $1,500 each

George Wilson Robertson Scholarships

· Grade 6 students valued at $1,500 each


Dear Ms Lowe 

Each year I invite parents to spend time considering their child's learning, social and emotional needs for the following school year. This is the opportunity for you to consider what you know about your child and enables you to share your thoughts about your child's specific needs so we can work together to provide the best possible learning environment. 


As a parent you advocate for your child, you want what is best for them, you support and fight for their needs. It is important we clarify good advocacy. 


Letting us know your child learns best in an active learning environment, with opportunities to negotiate their learning is good advocacy, whilst requesting a particular teacher for your child is not good advocacy.  


All children experience different teachers throughout their education. It is important you share information about your child's needs but not tell us which class they need to be placed into. This is not an opportunity to select a teacher, this is not school policy and any requests for specific teachers will not be taken into consideration. 


We are proud of our teaching staff and we work as a highly functional team, planning and working to provide the best learning environment possible at Boroondara Park PS. 


Dear Ms Lowe 2024

Are you leaving BPPS in 2024?

Is your child leaving Boroondara Park PS in 2024? Please take the time to complete this form to let us know - Leaving Boroondara Park in 2024.

BPPS Facebook and Instagram 

Don't forget to follow our social media accounts and see what is happening at school each day. Boroondara Park Primary School Facebook

Search @BoroondaraPark on Instagram to follow the school. 


Susanne Lowe
