Family Engagement Group

Family Engagement Catch Up
Our next Family Engagement Catch up will be on Friday October 6 onsite at St Gabriel’s 12:40-1:40 pm - All welcome
Our Family Engagement Meets are a chance to connect and chat about upcoming events, ways that we can connect with our community and ideas for future activities/events within our schools. We value your time and look forward to seeing you there. Grandparents Day and Prep Transition will be discussed. All welcome!!!
Following our Family Engagement Group Catch Up our Grade 3,4,5,6 classes will be watching a movie called Embrace Kids
Embrace Kids is a powerful, uplifting film that tackles some of the biggest issues facing young people today, from body image and bullying to gender identity and more. With the help of famous friends like Celeste Barber, the film encourages young people to figure out what makes them unique and use that to spark change.
We invite all parents of children in these Grade levels to join their children in their hubs to watch it together
Friday October 6, 2pm - 3:20pm Google RSVP Form to come
To Our Wonderful Parent Community - if you would like to help out at school for excursions, stalls, incursions etc you will need to have attended a Parent Volunteer Info Session, this coupled with a current Working With Childrens Check and a Referee Check means you can work within the school and with our children.
Our next Parent Volunteer Session is in Term 4
Monday October 9, 7pm Google link to come