Learning & Teaching

The Book Fair is coming to our school. It will be arriving in week 2 on Tuesday 10.10.23 and will be here until 16.10.23.
The book fair will be open every morning from 8:30am-8:50am and after school from 3:20-3:40pm.
Please come and support our school whilst getting your hands on the best new children’s books!
Length, Area, Perimeter, Mass, Capacity and Volume
In Maths, children are learning about Measurement. They are exploring many different areas of measurement such as length, area, perimeter, mass, capacity and volume
The children are learning measurement through comparing, describing and measuring. They compare, describe and learn to work out which objects are longer, shorter, heavier, lighter, or hold more or less.
They measure using their hands, ice pole sticks, ruler, measuring tapes, containers, cups and scales.
Have some fun with your children by going on a ‘House Hunt’ to find;
- Longest or shortest thing in your house
- Heaviest or lightest fruit or vegetable in your house
- Cup or container that holds the most or least water
- Or find things around the house that they can measure with their hands, string, measuring tape, cups etc
When children notice things that are long or short, heavy or light, hold more, hold less encourage them to compare them with other objects.
Literacy Learning Walk
Our Literacy Learning Walk will be on Friday October 20, this will be a chance for families to see what Reading looks like across the school. Keep a look out for the RSVP that will be sent out tomorrow!