Term 4

This is the last week of the 2023 school year and the final Lower Primary newsletter. As we finish up I wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the highlights and moments of this semester and to acknowledge and celebrate the year that was 2023.
A standout for the year has been the way the students have worked really hard to follow our school expectations: Be a Good Learner, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe, every day. These expectations permeate the way the section works and plays together and both teachers and students use the same language to label the actions they see. These expectations were also discussed regularly at assembly where students shared how they have followed them during the week. It was wonderful to hear students communicate how they have shown individual expectations and to have the Lower Primary team celebrate these moments of achievement together.
Term 4 is always very busy with the Teddy Bears Picnic, Bushwhazee performance, excursions to the Zoo, Tiny Chef, Bounce and The Big Day Out, and the Discovery Centre all being highlights.
What a success the Bushwahzee performance was. It was a true Lower Primary community event with students, families & staff sharing the fun and of course the food! Whilst the students themselves were stars, the involvement of brothers, sisters, mums, dads & grandparents in the bush dancing was so wonderful to see. It was also great to see families mingling together and having a chat together. An extra special mention to Alix our Performing Arts teacher for bringing the Bushwahzee performance to life with her enthusiasm and love of performance and to the team’s band of helpers that supported her.
Our Transition to School program has been a huge success. It's been reassuring to see our future Prep students and those joining us from other schools settle in so comfortably. This program does make a difference in helping these little people feel welcomed and excited about starting their educational journey with us next year.
Lower Primary has been in celebration mode. Our special celebrations have included the Community Concert, the farewell assembly and of course Christmas! There was even a visit from Santa. There has been lots of celebrating!
At our Farewell Assembly, we celebrated a great year’s work, the achievements of all our students particularly those who are moving to Upper Primary. We are extremely proud of Gabriel, Max J, Katrina, Alexander, Luke, Ezekiel, Elise, Lakshya, Hamza, Joshua, Yousuf, Ilyas, Jamie, Max C, Nathaniel, Scarlett, Jandavid, James, Felix, Aryan, Lachy, Bella and Elena ..........the Upper Primary students of 2024. We wish you all every success as you move on to new challenges in Upper Primary. I know that you will continue to work hard and always do your best. You will be missed by all your friends in Lower Primary.
Lower Primary students were very excited to visit the Discovery Centre over the last couple of weeks to participate in Christmas activities. Students all got to make Christmas decorations, visit the Mile Room which was set up as a snow scape and took some amazing Christmas photos using the green screen in the movie making room. All students got into the Christmas spirit and cannot wait to show their families and carers their special photos.
LPA, LPB and LPC participated in their Big Day Out last Friday as part of our camping program. The students engaged in activities where they made rocky road, decorated cookies to make reindeers and Rudolph lollypops. This was followed by a McDonalds lunch, along with a visit to Bounce. The students loved jumping on the trampolines, playing dodgeball, the high ropes course and the flying fox in the X-Park. When returning to school, the students relaxed by watching Arthur Christmas and finishing off the night with a BBQ and ice-cream.
LPD, LPE and LPF Melbourne Zoo Visit
Students from Lower Primary enjoyed a wonderful day at the Melbourne Zoo. Highlights included watching the seals train, seeing some slimy slithering snakes, and trying to count how many spots were on each giraffe. We also saw two lions wrestling with each other, which was very entertaining. We were also able to get up close and personal to some giant tortoises, and learnt that one of them at the zoo is 105 years old! Students were on their absolute best behaviour and did extremely well to follow instructions and stay part of their group. A great day was had by all.
To celebrate a successful year in LPG and LPI, students visited the Tiny Chef in Essendon. They had the opportunity to make their own pizza, milkshake and assisted in making cupcakes too. After the food preparation was done the highlight was of course, eating the food! Yum. Lots of full tummies and happy children.
LPJ and LPK had a fun Teddy Bear's Picnic Day. The student's favourite teddies/soft toys came to school for the day and participated in fun activities including a class picnic, singing teddy bear songs and making a healthy lunch for our picnic. Everyone loved having their teddies at school for the day!
The Lower Primary students delighted their families and friends with the performance of the Bush Cabaret with The Bushwahzee Band. The students learnt and performed songs and bush dances that they show cased to the audience and then invited them to be involved. It was a fun night of singing and dancing had by all.
We have had lots of fun at LP this Term. Classes have built upon their communication, fine motor and play skills across a variety of programs. It has been a highlight to see students engage in fun and imaginative play with each other, share attention and work on how to be a good friend.
Keely Wescott, Occupational Therapist and Speech Pathologists Adrianna, Leia, Renae and Lauren.
Lower Primary had a visit from Santa today. Thank you to Samuel's mum, Kiki for making the beautiful Christmas arch which was a wonderful backdrop for our Santa.
A special thank you to our wonderful Lower Primary teachers and support staff whose
dedication and hard work is valued and appreciated.
We also want to express our thanks to all our Lower Primary families for your support and cooperation throughout this year. We look forward to continuing this journey together in the coming year.
From all of us here at Lower Primary, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season with your family and friends.
Warm regards,
Kath Moore
Campus Principal