
Mr Crane, Mr Jones, Ms Kirk, Ms Huntly, Ms Bennett, Ms Nguyen, Ms Kini and Ms O'Dowd

Performing Arts

Students have been developing their skills and techniques in improvisation and are now moving into devised and scripted theatre. 



Students worked together in small groups to create a character and assign their character a scenario. The developed characters interacted with one another on the stage. The students had so much fun and we did not stop laughing. 


Year 1 & 2

Year 1 & 2 students worked together in small groups to create a performance. Each group was given a title such as ‘The Holiday Disaster’, and from this they had to work together to plan, rehearse and perform their piece. 


Year 3 & 4

Year 3 & 4, received their first scripts and worked with a partner to rehearse their piece. Students performed their scripted work on stage while applying theatre rules and blocking the scene. 


Year 5 & 6

Year 5 & 6 students received a script and worked with a partner to rehearse and perform their piece on the stage. They were given creative freedom to improvise the ending to the scene with some amazing ideas shared within the group. Grade 5 & 6 students are working in small groups to create their own scripted work to be performed during Term 4. 


All students at Gilgai Plains Primary School have been engaging in dance during the term. We are preparing for our end of year showcase. Details to be provided during Term 4. 


We are also extremely excited to announce that The Australian Ballet will be visiting our school next term. Some of our students will be extremely excited to receive a private lesson from the dancers on this special day. All of our students will be invited to watch a performance at the end of the day to celebrate. We would like to thank The Australian Ballet for this incredible opportunity. 



Physical Education



In Foundation the children learnt about the underarm throw. Students were practising the steps by throwing objects at a target. All of the children enjoyed the activities and we encourage children to continue to practise this skill at home. At the start of Term 4 children the Foundation children will build on their knowledge of the Fundamental Motor Skill of Run.


Year 1

The year 1 students have been learning about the Fundamental Motor Skill of the Overhand Throw. This is an important skill as children learn the difference between the underarm throw (accuracy) and overhand throw (powerful). Students loved using some of the new PE equipment that has been purchased e.g. targets and rebound nets. 


Year 2

The focus in year 2 has been on the Fundamental Motor Skill of Punt. The children have been using the knowledge they learnt earlier in the year to extend their knowledge of the skill. The punt is a difficult skill that we encourage children to keep practising at home.


Year 3-6

The 3-6 students have been learning about rugby. They focused on the skills and the rules required to play the game. The children enjoyed learning about the rugby pass and participated in small game play situations. 



A group of our 3-6 students qualified and participated in the Woodlands Divisional Athletics competition on the 5th of September with Mr Crane and Ms Hicks. All of the children tried their very best and demonstrated our school values on the day. We’re very proud of what they accomplished and with a select few qualifying for the Northern Metropolitan Region Athletics Day on October 11th. We wish them the very best of luck as they compete for a spot at the Victorian State Athletics Day.





Foundation and Year 1

The Foundation and Year 1 students have been learning about the characteristics of a living thing and have explored respiration, reproduction, growth, movement and nutrition. They have shown excellent understanding of the concept and growth in vocabulary, using these science words in their conversations and discussions with their teachers. We are very proud of the growth the students have shown this term!




Year 2

The Year 2 students have been learning about photosynthesis, parts of a plant, pollination, lifecycle of Tomato plant, Eucalyptus tree, Australian King parrot and Kookaburra. Students have been assessed on their understanding on the topics covered demonstrating their learning effectively. 


Year 3

The Year 3 students have moved to independent or pair work to complete Seesaw and book tasks about photosynthesis, parts of a flower and different leaf and flower shapes. Students have been exploring Zoology and were challenged to explore the purposes of observable features of an eagle. Students watched videos, researched, recorded and shared their discoveries with peers.



Year 4

The Year 4 students have been learning about pollination, factors that affect pollination, pollinators - biotic and abiotic lifecycle of Tomato plant, and Cassowary bird. Students have been assessed on their understanding on the topics covered demonstrating their learning effectively. They have completed these assessments on seesaw and parents are welcome to check their learning in science and add comments.


Year 5&6

The Year 5 and 6 students have learnt about structural, behavioural and physiological adaptations in plants and animals. They have explored Xerophytes (desert plants), Hydrophytes (water plants) and Epiphytes (parasitic plants) that grow in rainforest habitats in Botany. In Zoology they have explored aerial adaptations of birds and the adaptations in Desert animals completing this work using their own researching skills using teacher guidance. Parents are encouraged to check seesaw for their work and are welcome to leave comments. 



We wish all families a peaceful, safe and fun term break!