Year 4

Ms Roberts, Ms Yammouni, Ms Bowman and Ms Murphy

Hello Year Four Families, 


We cannot believe how quickly this term has gone and that it is already the last week of Term 3! All students have been working incredibly hard across all learning areas and should be proud of how much they have learnt. 


Just a reminder that our Sovereign Hill Camp is in Week 3 of next term. We leave on Monday the 16th of October and arrive back on Tuesday the 17th of October. Final payments are due on the 13th September, unless other payment plans have been organised with the office. Please note, students will not be able to attend camp if payment has not been finalised by the due date.



In Comprehension & Literature, we have been learning about the language features of informative texts and linking this to our history unit by reading texts about Australia’s history. We have really enjoyed reading about significant historical events such as the First Fleet and The Gold Rush. Students have developed so much core knowledge and are ready with lots of knowledge for our Year Four Camp to Sovereign Hill. 


In Creating Texts, students have been given the opportunity to choose a significant event or person in Australian history. Students have used the core knowledge that they have learnt in both Comprehension and Literature and History to write a detailed informative text. Students have worked really hard to ensure that their information is factual and includes content specific vocabulary. 




In Number and Algebra, we have been focusing on Place Value. Students have been practising their Place Value knowledge by placing numbers on a numberline and expanding numbers up to tens of thousands.


In Measurement and Geometry we have been learning about measuring and comparing mass, length and capacity. We have also learned how to convert between units of measurements. To demonstrate their understanding, students participated in a week-long event of ‘Potato Olympics’, where students each had a potato olympian that competed in events that involved measuring and comparing mass, length and capacity. Some of the events were ‘weightlifting’, ‘diving’ and ‘sprinting’. 



For Term 3, students have been exploring significant historical events in Australia such as, the First Fleet, The Gold Rush and Eureka Stockade and the direct impact this had on the people involved. Students have researched these events and explored how each one could have been experienced differently in both positive and negative ways. To finish off our unit, the students have created a diary entry of a person living during one of those times to explore the differing experiences and perspectives. 


We hope you have a safe and restful break. We will see you in Term 4!