Year 2

Ms Gililand, Mr Rowley, Ms Michetti and Ms Kay

Hello Year 2 Families!


We can’t believe we are at the end of Term 3 already. The students have worked extremely hard this term and have made us all very proud.


In Literacy, students have been successful in completing the stage 7.3 graphemes and phonemes from the Little Learners Love Literacy program.


In Writing, we have been teaching students how to write an information text. Students have been successful in researching, planning, composing, revising, editing and publishing their information reports. We will finish our writing unit this term by exploring poetry.



In Numeracy, we have been learning about analogue and digital clocks. Students have shown their understanding by telling time to o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. They have also compared the mass of different objects but hefting them to see which is heavier and lighter. Next the students will explore capacity and volume of objects.



We have been exploring different landmarks and tourist attractions around Australia. We have visited all states and territories of Australia and learnt about the significance of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their connection to the land. Students have shown their learning by completing a passport page of each state.