Secondary School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Year 9 Career Taster Program - Childcare


The Career Taster Program is for Year 9 students only, giving them an opportunity to engage in different industries and work experiences. As a cohort, they have engaged with all the experiences and flourished in these environments. 


On Wednesday 11 October,  16 students embarked on a day in the life of a Childcare Educator by spending the day in simulated real life scenarios at Murdoch TAFE. The students completed activities ranging from creating activities for children, reading books, changing nappies, and mixing baby formula. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were very positive about their experience.

Our final Career taster event is on November 30th (Thursday Week 8). This will be at Kwinana TAFE and linked to the Automotive industry.


A big 'Thank You' to Ms Burrows for giving up her time to support the students who attended.


Mr Luke Johns

Careers & VET Coordinator

Secondary School Update

The Assembly held at the start of this term was a wonderful opportunity for our community to gather to recognise the various achievements of our Years 7 to 9 students. With about 30 parents/caregivers in attendance, many certificates were distributed for activities such as:

  • Creative Edge
  • Challenge Learning
  • Australian History Competition
  • Merits

Seeing so many students using their ‘God-given’ talents to the best of their abilities again highlights what our young people can do when they get involved with opportunities made available to them at Salvado Catholic College. 


With the end of the year drawing closer, our students have the challenge of achieving the best they can in their End-of-Year Report. To do this, they are required to focus in class by reducing disruptions to teachers who are dedicated to educating your children and to ensure they complete study at home to prepare themselves for assessments to finish the year well.  


Year 9 OLNA 

In order to obtain their WACE, students must achieve minimum Literacy and Numeracy standards. Specifically, students are assessed on their Numeracy, Reading and Writing. Students can achieve these through their Year 9 NAPLAN. Following this, students will have six opportunities to meet these standards from Term Four of Year 9 until the end of Year 12 by completing the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment. 

This week, Year 9 students have been completing their first round of OLNA. These students have impressed with their outstanding behaviour during this process. Families, please note that the College has been advised that results from this OLNA window will be provided to the school from Thursday, January 25, 2024.


Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School 


Mr Brendan McGrath 

Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)