A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


As we delve into Term Four, I want to address a crucial aspect of our school community: promoting non-violent and respectful behaviour among our students. It is essential that we, as a Catholic school, continue to nurture an environment where every child feels safe, valued, and loved.


Respecting the Dignity of Every Person: Our Catholic faith teaches us to respect the dignity of every person, recognising the divine spark within each individual. Hitting, or any form of physical aggression, is not in alignment with the school motto of Peace, Justice and Compassion. As a school community, it is our responsibility to instil these values in our students, guiding them towards a path of non-violence and understanding.

Empathy and Understanding: Encouraging empathy and understanding among our students is key to preventing physical aggression. By teaching our children to recognise and understand the emotions and perspectives of others, we empower them to respond with kindness and compassion, even in challenging situations. Empathy fosters a sense of connection, reminding us that we are all children of God, deserving of love and respect.


Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution: Educating our students about effective communication and conflict resolution techniques equips them with the tools to navigate disagreements peacefully. Teaching them to express their feelings and concerns assertively, yet respectfully, can prevent misunderstandings from escalating into physical confrontations. These skills are invaluable for resolving conflicts in a manner that upholds the dignity of all parties involved.


Parental Partnership: We, as educators, cannot achieve this goal alone. We rely on the partnership between the school and parents to reinforce these teachings at home. I urge parents to engage in open dialogues with their children, discussing the importance of non-violence and the significance of treating others with kindness and respect. By working together, we can create a unified message that emphasises the value of peaceful interactions.

Let us continue to uphold the teachings of Christ by fostering an environment where physical aggression has no place. Together, as a community rooted in faith and love, we can nurture a generation of compassionate, respectful, and non-violent individuals who will carry these values with them throughout their lives.


College Annual Community Meeting 

The Annual Community Meeting will be held on Thursday 23 November commencing at 6:00pm in the Covered Assembly Space. Please note this important date in your calendar.


Dogs on College Grounds 

I have been made aware that there have been some parents/caregivers who are bringing dogs onto College grounds when dropping off or picking up children. While we understand the love and companionship that pets bring to our lives, it is imperative that we maintain a safe environment within our school premises. Even the most well-behaved dogs can sometimes behave unpredictably, especially in unfamiliar and crowded settings. We kindly request all parents and guardians to not bring dogs onto College grounds when dropping off or picking up your children from school. 


Additionally, please refrain from bringing dogs onto the school grounds during school events, sports activities, or any other occasions held within the school premises. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding with this matter. 


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
