Classroom News

Foundation Miss Bennett
Wow! We're in week 4 already!! Another busy two weeks in Foundation, we are really working hard on our learning in all areas. We have especially loved learning about money and using informal measurements to weigh items in our classroom.
A highlight was getting to fill their 'piggy bank' craft with dollar coins and hang them up on the classroom 'Maths Magicians' wall. The students really enjoyed writing how much money was inside their piggy bank.
The Foundation students' phonics focus this week was about question marks and exclamation marks. We will keep working on this moving into week 5, however the students have been blowing Miss Bennett away with their positive attitude to learning new things.
Also this week the Foundation students enjoyed taking part in the Beersheba town memorial. They were very interested in seeing the army tanks moving down the main street and the horses at the front of the march. Their favourite part was seeing their buddies marching proudly holding the Australian flags. Miss Bennett was very proud of how well everyone represented our school while we were out in the community.
Grade 1-2 Miss Hart
In Grade 1-2 we are always checking in with each other and talking about things we are grateful for. This term, we often begin or end our day by saying something we are thankful/grateful for.
Here are some of the things we are thankful/grateful for in Grade 1-2:
I am grateful for teachers because they help me learn. - Edith
I am grateful for my family because they take care of me. - Maddie
I am grateful for my friends because they play with me at lunch and snack. - Zara
I am grateful for my friends because they help me. - Marla
I am grateful for my dogs because I get to play with them and pat them. - Sophie
I am grateful for Pickle (mt cat) because he snuggles me. - Stevie
I am grateful for the land I live because of what it produces for us. - Charlie
I am grateful for my life because I get to do some pretty cool things. - Jaxon
I am grateful for my family because I can play with them. - Ben
I am grateful for being able to do three sports because I love sports. - Tom
I am grateful for being at St Pat’s because it is so fun. - Will
I am grateful for my family and my animals because they do nice things for me. - Addie
I am grateful for Caritas and for all the people who are good and kind. - Francis
Grade 3-4 Mrs Stock
In 3/4, the students have enjoyed the opportunity to participate in readers theatre. They worked well in small groups to follow and perform a play. They are now busy creating their own readers' theatre, based on the text they have been studying, The Elves and the Shoemaker.
It's great to see everyone involved and having a go!
Grade 3-4 Mrs Crosbie
In 3/4 Crosbie over the past few weeks we have been exploring readers theatre. Readers theatre is a way of allowing us all to read aloud in a more interesting way. Readers theatre is a way we can combine reading practice and performing.
A reader theatre script tells a short story and only has 2 to 5 characters in total. Each person in the group takes on a character role. Each person reads their selected parts and the story comes alive. We have all enjoyed having a go at readers theatre and listening to other students in our class share their readers theatre scripts.
This week we began to write our own readers theatre scripts for the story of' The Elves and the Shoemaker'. We have been using this story in our text based unit this term. We are looking forward to finishing the written task of the script and beginning the 'fun' part of performing the script for our classmates.
Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen
In the text-based unit focusing on the “The Lost Thing” students explored the link between the illustrations in the text and the events occurring in the text. They were surprised to notice that the pictures and words did not match. This created great conversations around the author’s purpose for doing this. Students thought that this technique created some humour, it made them concentrate more and also drew their attention to the illustrations more.
In maths, we are finishing off our unit on Decimals and Percentages. It has been great to see students link together their earlier learning on decimals and fractions to help them understand percentages.
Our leaders have been doing amazing things in the last few weeks. Our Sport & Health leaders worked with Rachael from Kyabram Health to plan and deliver the Healthy Habits Day. The Catholic Identity group have organised a the Socktober Event which will occur on Tuesday 31st October to raise money and awareness of the Catholic Missions.
All of the 5/6 students who attended the Beersheba Day event had a role in the day, we had students act as the Master of Ceremony, present speeches as well as carry banners and flags in the march. Well done to everyone who took on a role, you represented our school with pride!