TERM 4 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians, 


The warm weather is upon us and the sunny days are approaching.


It's getting a little easier to jump out of bed in the morning. 


It's time for our final term of learning and fun. How time flies!!


Important Reminders: 

  • As it gets warmer, please ensure that students are dressed appropriately for the weather. Sun-safe hats are compulsory for Term 4.
  • Please remember to label all your child's clothing (including hats) and food containers.
  • Thank you to our parents who have donated two boxes of tissues. Please send some with your child if you have not.


Please feel free to approach us with any questions! 

Thank you for your support.


Angela Truong (3A), Jenny Lupo + Elena Dierickx (3B), 

Paige Stokes (4A) and Sam Allardice (4B)