School Nurse


Cecile Elliott



This year, the school has taken the initiative to create Health Week to continue to educate and promote health and wellbeing in our school. 

It will be a fun week filled with events and resources to encourage students to opt for healthy choices.



To start the week off , we will also ask students and families to be involved in a “treasure hunt” to find posters around our school community area. There are posters of children enjoying different activities such as basketball, football, soccer and horse-riding (similar to our previous “Where’s Wally?” hunt). There are 24 posters to be found. 

Here is a picture of our 1st poster.


We encourage parents to look with your child whilst walking to school or the beach, at the park etc. If you would like to share pictures of your child or family finding the posters in our newsletter, please send them to

The QR Code below is a link to a Google Survey if you’d like your answers recorded! 


Happy hunting everyone!  Let’s see which class can find the most posters!

We hope you enjoy this fun activity whilst keeping active😊

Warm regards,

Nurse Cecile