K-6 Sport

Polding Athletics Carnival

Congratulations to our students who participated in the Polding Athletics Carnival last Friday in Homebush. The following students have now qualified to go to the PSSA Athletics Carnival next week:

Kane Cameron 12yrs Long Jump

Luke Readett 12yrs 800m 

Fletcher Andrews 11yrs - 800m, 1500m

Thank you to our parents for their continual transportation and support of our students.


Diocesan Touch Gala Day

The annual Diocesan Touch Galla Day will be held on Friday 3 November in Inverell. Students from Years 3-6 will be eligible to trial and participate. The carnival is an Open mixed event, which means Year 3 & 4 male & female students will be competing against Year 5 & 6 male & female students. There is a limit on how many teams can be entered, and first preference is given to seniors (Years 5 & 6). Students will need to be able to get themselves to the complex by 8:40 am and then a bus will transport students back to school at the end of the day. Trials are taking place this week at Snack Break - Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. If students are not at the trials they will not be eligible for selection.


Year 3-6 Sport

This Friday, Primary students will continue their sports rotations. Students will get the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports at school and out of school. Students will participate in Proactive Gym, Tennis, Indoor Sports, AFL, and school sports. There will be a fee for these sports. Proactive Gym is $5, Indoor Sports is $5, Tennis is $5 and AFL is $3.50. Please provide consent on COMPASS for your child to participate before this Friday. Please ensure you send in money with your child. If there are any concerns please contact the school office.

5B - School Sports5DL - Proactive Gym - $55WF - AFL - $3.506S - Tennis - $56T - Indoor Sports - $5

Year 2 Sport

As part of the sports program in Term 4, Year 2 children will continue sessions with Nick King this Friday, 20 October. At the centre, they will work on strength, balance, and locomotion activities.


The cost is $5 each week. Please pay your child’s classroom teacher every week. Students will be transported by bus to and from the centre. 


Please label your child’s shoes and socks as these are removed while participating in activities at the centre. 

Term 4 Primary Sporting Dates

  • Polding Athletics, Homebush, Friday 13 October
  • PSSA Athletics, Homebush, Wednesday & Thursday 25 & 26 October
  • Diocesan Touch Gala Day, Inverell, Friday 3 November
  • Armidale Diocesan Basketball & Tennis Trials, Tamworth, Friday December 1