from the Assistant Principal  

Mr Shayne Smith

Weekly Overview

Our week was filled with joy and comfort knowing that the school routine was back in order. Students are thrilled to be back in our classrooms learning new concepts and knowledge. It is pleasing to see the change in our student's minds about school, the enjoyment and thrill of being with friends and a comfortable learning space enables our students to think optimistically. We look forward to seeing the continued growth of our students across the school throughout this term.  

Our Key focus for this week is: Maturity

To think before we act.

Staying fit and healthy with an active mind

In today's world we are faced with many challenges and time restraints. Keeping our minds fit and healthy is a way of utilising positive endorphins to help motivate and conquer our fears. Being active in sport or walks and physical movement like dance help create a world of "can do". It is important to recognise the positive relationships and building connections between players, peers, coaches and other members as well as the skills to communicate, visualise and of course enjoy the company of those that surround you. Students at Holy Trinity are constantly moving and being active during the school day it helps them clear their mind, focus on classwork and above all develop the ability to learn new things - the mindset of failure is seen as a growth point in our active lessons. Instead of the complaints of "I can't, or I won't be able to do this", our teachers support nurture and develop skills to make them " I'll give this a try, or give me another go!". This frame of mind helps develop and connect our physical ability to our conscious ability, decision making and finally our ability to look within ourselves and recognise that we are successful. 


Eating healthy gives us energy to sustain the days activities and focus when learning at school. A combination of fresh fruit and vegetables in combination with water and sandwiches or other healthier lunch options give the fuel for young minds to develop and obtain new knowledge. 


We encourage our students of HTS to remain active and engage in activities that help us stay fit and healthy as well as eating a balanced diet to help our students focus and build a culture of - I'm focused and I'm ready to learn! 


Congratulations to the following students
KSAthena Taylor-Connolly, Jackson Warrener, Stella Golding
KDRhylan Livermore, Alaska Gibbs, Havana Smith
1MConnor Newton, Maisie Fuda-Riley, Zahara Kimmince, Nixon Fisher
1STheodore McBean, Baz McDonald, Blakely Ria, Florence Wright 
2MJayce Fenton, Ava Mundy, Maggie Sweeney 
2GAlice Hoscher, Pita Savou, Charlie Schwark
3WMyles Simpson, Zara De Stefani, Madeline Mitrega
3GHenry Chester, Alliera Relf
4PFletcher White, Rafe Waller, Gabrielle Tindall 
4DPiper Williams, Leo Schiller, Henry Afable  
5BAlbert Taylor, Billy Pagden
5WFMarley Schutz, Eleana Lopez
5DLCharlie Grills, Zalie Borrowdale, Miriama Nasilasila 
6SLuke McCosker, Luke Readett
6TJullian Collins, Willow Garrett, Kaylee-Ann Berry