It’s been a busy couple of weeks for our students as we wind down the 2024 Academic year and gear up for 2025 Headstart. Our Year 12s finish their VCE exams this week, and I am looking forward to celebrating the class of 2024 at the valedictory dinner on Thursday night. Students in Years 8 – 11 are in the middle of their school-based exams which finish on Wednesday, with a catch-up day for Year 10 and 11 students on Thursday for anyone who missed exams. Our school-based exams prepare students for assessments whether they complete VCE or VCE VM. Most students will undertake real-life tests as young adults, such as learner driver assessments and getting their licence. We believe the exam experiences help students prepare and practice revision strategies.
This week our Like Minds students will showcase their Enterprise Capabilities on Wednesday, followed by a celebration evening at school. Students have been working hard on their projects and I look forward to celebrating with them. We also have our annual Grade 6 afternoon tea where our teachers work with the Grade 6 teachers to prepare for our incoming Year 7s transition to the College.
Next week, on Monday November 25th, we commence our Headstart program, where students go up to the next year level. Students going into Years 10, 11 and 12 will have two weeks in their new year level, and students going into Years 8 and 9 will have three weeks. Headstart is an important transition program at KSC and helps reduce anxiety over the summer break as students know their classes, meet most of their teachers and coordinators, and understand the new expectations for the year level. Our focus on attendance continues so please support the program by sending your students to school during Headstart. Teachers put a lot of effort into planning Headstart so we would love to see all students present.