St Brigid's News and Events

Year 6 - Dates for End of the Year
Where has Term 4 gone! With the end of the year rapidly approaching we thought we would take this opportunity to remind you of the upcoming important dates for our Year 6 Students and Families as their time with us at St Brigid's nears an end.
Thursday 5 December - St Bede’s Orientation Day 2
Friday 6 December - Family Picnic & Christmas Carols – 3:15pm to 6:30pm – Carols at 5pm - all welcome
Monday 9 December - Kilbreda Orientation
Thursday 12 December - 5:00pm – 6:00pm - Year 6 Graduation Ceremony – St Brigid’s Church, Mordialloc - All welcome
Friday 13 December7:30am – Year 6 Breakfast – Oscar’s Hangout
11:30am – End of School Year Mass – St Brigid’s Church, Mordialloc - All welcome
Monday 16 December - Year 6 Big Day Out
Tuesday 17 December1:30pm – End of Year Assembly – Brigid Hall - All welcome.
2:45pm – Farewell to Year 6 on the Basketball Court - All welcome
3:15pm – End of School
6pm to 9pm – Parent Run Year 6 Graduation Event – Ben Kavanagh Club Room, Ben Kavanagh Reserve
We look forward to sharing these special events with you.
5/6 Team
5/6 Lifesaving
Students in Year 5/6 enjoyed their first of 2 days down at the Mordialloc Life Saving Club.
Who won the game of tug-of-war was it the year 5’s or was it the year 6’s?
Evergreen Christmas Trees - OPENS THIS SATURDAY
Evergreen Christmas Trees are very kindly donating a christmas tree to St Brigid's again this year. They don't have quite as many trees as last year so the advice is get in quick - sales open on 23rd of November! Don't forget to tell Louis and his wonderful team that you come from St Brigid's, as 10% of all sales will also be donated back to our School. Any St Brigid's families who buy a tree will also go into the draw for a free Christmas Tree next year.
TheirCare Summer Holiday Program - Bookings Now Open