Dates to Remember

Term 4 - 2024

Term 4 When
School Assembly6/12, 20/12
Term 4 - NovemberWhat's On?
Wednesday 27th NovemberYear 6 Graduation Laserquest payment du
Friday 29th NovemberCurriculum Day
Term 4 - DecemberWhat's On?
Wednesday 4th DecemberSchool Council Meeting
Tuesday 10th DecemberStatewide Orientation Day
Wednesday 11th December

Parents' Club Pizza Lunch Day (see Parents' Club page)

Order forms distributed today.

Thursday 12th DecemberTeesdale Twilight Christmas Market & Carols
Tuesday 17th DecemberYear 6 Graduation at the Teesdale Hall
Wednesday 18th DecemberYear 6 Graduation Laserquest ExcursionDay
Friday 20th December 

Last day of term 4, early dismissal 1.30pm

Final assembly at 1pm

Parents' Club Christmas Raffle Drawn

2024 Term Dates

2024Term Dates
Term 130 January - 28 March
Term 215 April - 28 June
Term 315 July - 20 September
Term 47 October - 20 December

2025 Term Dates

2025Term Dates
Term 128 January - 4 April (Students commence 30 January)
Term 222 April - 4 July
Term 321 July - 19 September
Term 46 October - 19 December

Bell Times

Other Important Dates

Fridays Fortnightly 2.45pmSchool Assembly (see above dates)
12 Nov, 4 DecSchool Council Meetings
1 May 2025School Photo Day
Friday 29th NovemberCurriculum Day - Pupil Free Day

We Are a SunSmart School

Our Sun Protection Policy has recently been updated to ensure it connects with our accreditation as a Sun Smart School. As part of this update, we will be monitoring the UV levels to determine when hats need to be worn. Hats will continue to be required from mid-August to the end of April, and whenever UV levels reach 3 and above. We have begun to share this improvement with students through our Morning Message and recommend students have access to their hat each day at school.

Student Birthdays