Student Awards

The following student awards will be handed out at this week's assembly, on Friday, November 1 at 3:00pm in the John Curtin Building.
FKH - Dawn S - for her amazing efforts in writing.
FKH - Lili B - for her awesome efforts with division.
FSI - Griffin S - for his fabulous persuasive writing piece.
1/2CD - Mason B – for having a positive attitude to his learning.
1/2CD- River B-P - for a wonderful effort with persuasive writing.
1/2VW - Pip L - for great work in maths with division.
1/2TT - Edwina C - for working hard to improve in all of her learning.
3/4HC - Olivia T- Exhibiting a consistent, determined approach to all tasks. Fantastic!
3/4HC - Liam K- His enthusiastic and determined approach to problem solve in maths. Brilliant!
3/4HC - Ethan P- His enthusiastic and determined approach to problem solve in maths. Star!
5/6AB - Holly M - for amazing leadership on school camp.
5/6AB - Martha B - for outstanding leadership on school camp.
5/6GP - Isaac C - for initiative and leadership on camp.