Whole School Orienteering

This week we have our house orienteering event on Friday November 1st.
It is a house event, so the students can wear their house colours on the day. If you or your child are unsure of your house colour, please check with your child’s teacher or the office.
Students will go into their classrooms for the roll, and then come out to the grandstand to begin the walk down to Tony Clarke Reserve at approximately 9.20am. Parents are welcome to walk with the students if they would like to. Students will need to bring their drink bottle, fruit and snack in their bag for the walk down.
When students arrive at Tony Clarke Reserve, we will discuss how the event will work, and then the students will begin the courses at approximately 10am.
The Foundation - grade 2 students will return to school by 11:30am and the grade 3 - 6 will return before lunchtime.
We have re-named the event ‘Ewelsy’s Come and Try it Orienteering day’. This is in honour of John Ewels, our former principal. John was the initiator and driving force of this day, and his enthusiasm for orienteering was passed on to so many students who have been through our school.
If anyone is available to assist me in setting out the controls on the night before or earlier that morning, please let me know.
If anyone has any further questions about the event, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
David Oxworth
PE Teacher and Landcare Coordinator
Macedon Primary School