Learning News 2/3

Mrs Ruth Anderson and Mrs Justine Harris

Years 2/3

Mrs Mitchell kindly took Years 2/3 for the first week of Term 4 as Mrs Anderson and myself were away. In writing, students recalled what they did in the holidays by writing a recount. It was essential to complete a plan so as not to miss anything and have it in the correct sequential order. 

Other interesting starts to the term included the beginning of our new swimming program and a directed drawing of Bluey.


Years 1/2 Maths

In week one, students were learning to represent and model halves, quarters, and eights of a collection using concrete materials. They were required to show the relation between the half and the whole by doubling and halving groups.


Week 2 we began the unit on mass, learning to measure, record, compare and estimate the masses of objects using uniform informal units.


Years K-2 Religion

God’s Creation is the focus for the beginning of term 4. Students have begun to understand, experience and enjoy the creation of the world around them. One particular activity was a guided walk by the teacher allowing the students to stop, close their eyes and listen to the sounds around them. Acknowledging both sounds from nature and human made sounds. We also found a spot to sing and dance to If I were a butterfly.



Please ensure your child’s uniform is clearly labelled. It is difficult enough to ensure the students are dressed in time for the home bus after swimming. We do

not have any spare time to sort out uniforms without names.


Keep reading at home and practise times tables when either travelling in the car or cooking dinner together.