Physical Education

Mr Crane, Mr Magafas & Ms Storer

PE October Newsletter


In Foundation P.E, we’re working on two important skills: the underarm throw and catching. We like to call the underarm throw our "pirate throw!" When doing the pirate throw, we teach students to step forward, bring their throwing arm back like they're ready to pull out a sword, then swing it forward to send the ball flying. This helps improve their aim and control.


Our main focus, though, is on catching using the "fruit basket" technique. We ask students to imagine they’re holding a big basket with both hands, ready to catch some fruit. The key is to keep their eyes on the ball and use soft hands to grab it gently. It’s a great way to build hand-eye coordination while making it fun and easy to remember.

By practising these playful techniques, students are not only learning essential motor skills, but also building teamwork by working with a partner to throw and catch. We’re excited to keep developing these skills and making PE an enjoyable and active experience for our Foundation students.


Year 1 & 2

In Year 1 and 2 PE, we’ve been having a great time learning about Teeball! This term, we are focusing on the two-handed forehand strike, which is an important skill for hitting the ball off the tee. The students are learning how to hold the bat with both hands, stand with their feet apart, and swing through the ball with power and control.


We’ve been practising this skill in fun activities that help improve hand-eye coordination and strength. Students are learning to focus on the ball, swing smoothly, and make contact to hit it as far as they can. These skills are not only useful in Teeball but also help in other sports and physical activities.


Teeball is a great introduction to team sports, and it’s helping students build their confidence, teamwork, and motor skills. The children love hitting the ball and then running around the bases with their friends. Through these lessons, we are encouraging a love of movement and active play.


We are proud of how much the students are improving and look forward to seeing more progress as they continue to develop their Teeball skills! It’s wonderful to see them enjoying the game and having fun!


Year 3 & 4

The Year 3 and 4 students have enthusiastically kicked off the term by diving into soccer, a sport that is cherished by many at Gilgai. They've enjoyed showcasing their growing skills! Over the past two weeks, we’ve focused on two fundamental techniques: dribbling and passing.


In dribbling, students have emphasised maintaining control with small touches and using both feet. As they’ve gained confidence, they’ve started to increase their speed, add turns, and even introduce impressive tricks like step-overs.


For passing, they’ve been practising key techniques: keeping their eyes on the ball, planting their opposite foot, using the "penguin foot," and following through. We’ve seen significant improvements in their passing accuracy as they’ve applied these steps.


In the coming weeks, students will shift their focus to gameplay, applying their skills in real matches. They will collaborate in teams and develop strategies to elevate their performance on the field. Exciting times lie ahead!


Year 5 & 6

In Year 5 and 6 PE, students are participating in a SEPEP program. The SEPEP (Sport Education in Physical Education Program) is an engaging way for students to learn teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship through sports. In this program, students take on different roles, such as player, coach, team manager and referee, which helps them understand collaboration and responsibility. As they improve their physical skills, they also develop important life skills like communication and problem-solving. SEPEP creates a positive and inclusive environment where every student can enjoy being active.


Students thoroughly enjoyed exploring different roles and discovering the ones that best suited their strengths. They also got creative by choosing team names. Each week in PE, students will take the initiative and show leadership by checking the schedule, setting up the fields, running training sessions, developing strategies, and playing as well as officiating the games. It has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and engagement in this unit!