
This term in Reading, Level 4 students will be exploring Procedural Texts and Persuasive Texts. They will engage in hands-on learning, following specific procedures, which will help them understand the importance of clear instructions. Students will focus on identifying and analysing the meaning of precise nouns, action-oriented verbs, and time connectives to ensure clarity. Through this process, students will gain a deeper appreciation of how detailed steps and language structure are essential for following and creating effective procedures. They will also gain a deeper understanding of camp activities through analysing procedures about the different activities they will be experiencing.
In Speaking and Listening, students will have the opportunity to make cross curricular links with Persuasive Texts and Inquiry. Students will be pitching their transfer in Inquiry to their teachers and peers, practising engaging public speaking techniques. They will also provide constructive feedback and feedforward to their peers, demonstrating understanding of the learning they participated in.
Key Vocabulary:
Time Connectives
This term in Writing, the students will build their author techniques within the writing of Procedural and Persuasive Texts. They will analyse the specific structure, techniques, language features and vocabulary within these texts by using exploring camp-relevant manuals, guides and recipes. They will also utilise various mentor texts such as videos and oral texts and consider the scope of what they could achieve in their own writing pieces. Each student will develop their own unique understanding of what success looks like in terms of the level of engagement and the expected success their audience may experience through reading or viewing.
Level Four students will expand their vocabulary by applying precise verbs, emotive language and persuasive language to ensure that the audience can either follow their instructions accurately or be convinced by a persuasively expressed idea or opinion. Additionally, they will deepen their knowledge of digital technology approaches and considerations when researching, designing and creating multimodal texts.
Key Vocabulary:
Visual Elements
Reader Engagement
Audience Consideration
Logos, Ethos & Pathos
How can you support your child’s English learning at home?
- Read procedure texts at home with your child e.g., assembly manuals, recipes, installation instructions, board game booklets to unpack the practical purposes of the text type
- View different objective-based programs (like the news) with your child and analyse the facts and opinions presented. Have conversations around the effectiveness and intentions behind persuasive elements used in advertising on television, YouTube ads, bus stops, etc.
- Explore different procedures around the house, such as recipes, instruction manuals, game rules, etc.
- Discuss curly questions or divisive topics with your child to justify their opinion – some examples could be whether it’s better to be a gamer or bookworm, should animal testing be banned or is it okay to ‘prank’ someone?
- Ask your child about their VOICES goal and how they are working towards it